
I’ve done it. It took me a month or so but I’ve done it. I’ve finally caught up with all the Crossfire books and honestly…can we just please have the last one now? No offence to all the Crossfire lovers out there but I just really want to be done with this couple and move on. There were a lot of good things and bad things that happened in this 4th instalment of the series, more good than bad, and not too much drama which I’m grateful for. I can’t believe I wanted this book to go off without drama…that’s how you know a couple is way too dramatic. Part of me wonders who I would prefer more…Christian Grey or Gideon Cross. Both have a long list of pros and cons, and part of me is just like, “Is it even worth it?” Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be Eva Tramell and even consider living in a world without Gideon. Even though these two have come so far it’s always been two steps forward and one step back for them. Eva and Gideon are back and in trying to put their lives back together they have another secret to hide. The world thinks they’re engaged but in reality the two have already tied the knot. A lot of changes are being made in the world around them, and in such a short time too. While he’s happier than he’s ever been, being married to Eva doesn’t seem to be enough, and Gideon feels like he needs to keep her close in order to protect her. He’s worried his past is coming back to haunt him and the people he hurt will stop at nothing to ruin the future he has worked so hard for. But while Gideon thinks he knows what’s best for her Eva thinks otherwise. She’s tired of being kept like a pet, being controlled, and people doing things without her consent. If Gideon isn’t careful he might just lose her, and if he does will either of them survive it? I was relatively okay with nothing happening in this novel. Nothing meaning I didn’t want to kill anyone for poor decision making. I just…I want these two to be happy you know? They deserve to be happy after everything they’ve been through. And SPOILERTHOUGHNOTREALLYBUTISHOULDWARNYOUANYWAY! Seriously…in the last like…chapter….or last few chapters? That’s when you make something bad happen? And it wasn’t even like….it didn’t even last long? Seriously, Sylvia Day, what are you doing? I’ve touched upon the fact that Day doesn’t follow the traditional up-hill, mountain pattern of romance novels, but I mean…having something extremely dramatic happen in the last few chapters and then not have very good recovery…I mean is that poor form? I just don’t know how I feel about it. I’m all for surprises but that was way out of left field. Other than that the book was as to be expected – except for holding my breath every other page wondering if something bad was going to happen to Gideon or Eva. Something bad was always bound to happen; they just can’t catch a break. But overall, there were a lot of good things that happened and their relationship with each other and with those around them seemed to…repair…somewhat…ish. “He loved me so much more than he loved himself. It broke my heart that he’d sell himself short like that. It made it impossible to hold myself back. “You’re everything to me,” I breathed. “I think about you all the time.” So there was a lot of middle drama, especially with Gideon, but honestly it didn’t last long enough to even bother mentioning so I won’t bring it up. Just be aware that drama does happen, but it’s practically harmless. Overall, I really don’t know how I felt about this book. Better? Or perhaps the same as the other three. Just please give these two a happily ever after in book five. Maybe then it’ll all have been worth it. 4/5 Hearts of Love

** spoiler alert ** I don’t really have much to say about this. I love and hate the hate-love-toxic relationship between Eva and Gideon and people around them. But sometimes I hate Eva the most, she said she wouldn’t push but she is pushing him to every limit to every corner of his life for her. And Gideon is stubborn like hell. But I’m continued reading this Series and I’m glad I stick through everything :)

Yet again, I'm captivated by Gideon and Eva. I like their story and the fact that they love each other so much. I liked that in this book we get a glimpse of how Gideon thinks and what is actually happening in his world. it gives the books more depth, I think and it also makes them more interesting. Now, I cannot wait for the next book to come out. I'm so excited to read what happens to Eva and Gideon. They are truly my favourite couple this valentine's day.

Still absolutely loving this series, more twists and turns for Gideon and Eva! It’s such a complex relationship for themselves but also with the majority of the relationships they have around them! Parents, ex lovers, friends, businessmen etc just so much to comprehend! I love the love that they share and what brings them together. I’m sad to be going on to the final book, I don’t want it to end! 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was another snooze fest IMO. Things are just moving way too slowly for me & I also feel like things are getting repetitive. There’s no damn reason it should take 4 books for him to finally start talking to the therapist about his issues or the fact that him & his mother haven’t spoken about what happened to him. Also the fights between him & Eva are the same thing EVERY SINGLE TIME. I’m so over it, it was thrilling in the beginning but now I’m so irritated with her for putting up with his shit. I 100% agree that extending it per a trilogy was for money but there was nothing of significance in this book just a bunch of bullshit. The sex scenes don’t even seem steamy anymore & I’m very irritated that I bought this book. This author is very good at what she does but I don’t appreciate it the fact that she dragged this story out 5 books long

This book introduces chapters from Gideon’s POV and although I was nervous at first, I absolutely LOVE IT. It was about time we really started to learn what makes him tick, and his POV is not as raunchy as Christian’s is told in FSoG. Had the author not added Gideon’s POV, I think I might have started to get bored of this series — which I can 100% say I am not!! Spice level 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶

Even though a lot of things happened I also feel like nothing happpened at all... I liked it enough, but it wasn't anything special and I'm happy that the next book in the last in the series. Erotica just might not be my thing.

** spoiler alert ** I am caught up in this serious, Gideon and Eva's story is heart wrenching and captivating at the same time. In this book of the series Gideon made lots of mistakes because he was trying to protect Eva but he had to learn how to show his protectiveness in a different way. My heart broke when Eva left him after he crossed the line but there is hope that they will work it all out.

Lord have mercy.

Blog | Twitter | Instagram “He didn’t see in himself what I saw— a generous soul who wanted so much to belong to something greater than himself. He didn’t recognize what a miracle he was. When he didn’t know what to do in a given situation, he let instinct and his heart take over. Despite all he’d been through, he had such an amazing capacity to feel and to love. He’d saved me, in so many ways. I was going to do whatever needed to be done to save him, too.” Knowing that I have to wait for the next installment, I went slow with the fourth book in the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day. There’s just something undeniably fun about reading this erotic romance and although it has its flaws, it has earned its place on my shelf and in my heart. It was a total bitch to not finish Captivated by You in one sitting, but I managed to stretch it out for a little while. I’m a sucker for the romance of Gideon and Eva’s, in spite of its at times unhealthy nature, and I love that Sylvia makes it more than just a story of lust and love. I love the sarcasm and humour in it, I love the dynamic of the two and Eva’s friendship with Cary. I love the themes of survival in all three of these characters who suffered abuse years and years ago. And I especially love that each of them have different ways of coping. I think the raw human emotion in it is beautifully crafted and it’s just an overall fun yet emotional read. Continued @ BOOKEDJ.