
Cofffee and Books@cofffeeandbooks
“ He was like a wild storm. He blew into my life with snow, and now with rain, he was asking for so much more. One season and we were speeding towards something bigger than both of us.” ⠀⠀ Looking for a cute, sexy, baby filled romance? Than this one is for you. Our sweet, closed off Asher with the world on his shoulders. And our cute, Hannah. This was a cute, funny, drama filled book that I definitely would recommend in this autumn filled month. Single fathers are so adorable so I could not not pick this up. Definitely do not regret this read! ⠀⠀ * I received an arc for my honest review * ⠀⠀

Fumi Calafateanu@fumimarina

Ms. Mint@iread4fun

Amie Moyes@moyesa01

Luiza Nery Kohlrauchs@luizaxnery

Roxanne Leblanc @roxanneleblancauthor

Neva Davies@booksofunknownorigin