Killer Moves A surprise baby second chance romance

As much as I love good romantic suspense sometimes you need some laughs to go with the action and this series has it in spades! Matteo may finally be free after the trumped-up charges against him were proved false. But he's not free and clear yet - the corrupt cop is still on the loose and Matteo is on high alert. That is until he visits his sister's highly guarded nursery school and sees the love of his life that he was forced to leave behind. Who has a son who is scarily his little mini-me! Renee tried to put Matteo behind her when he left her high and dry but no man has been able to live up to him. Now with the time reminder of their love, she is on the run. But when Matteo slams back into her life she has to deal with the consequences of keeping his son out of his life and hoping that the bad guys won't find them! Matteo is just everything you want in a MC - he's warm, fun, friendly, dedicated and once he has a mission he sticks with it. He loved AJ even when he wasn't sure he was his. He and Renee were a package deal and that was fine by him. He may be a tad "unconventional" in the employment department but that doesn't make him a bad man! Renee is a brill mum even if her taste in men, except Matteo, is complete dross! My laughs were full-on belly-laughs when the RV was described - that thing was a full-on battlebus LOL. The camaraderie between Matteo, Dante, and Seb is great and the trash talk between Matteo and Dante over D sleeping with M's sister is hilarious!