
** spoiler alert ** 2.5 Stars This review contains some spoilers. Sadly, My Life From Hell is the weakest of the The Blooming Goddess Trilogy which is unfortunate since it is the finale. The setup is much the same as the first two books: Sophie is still trying to harness her goddess powers, deal with her identity crisis, figure out her love life, and still deal with typical teenage drama. The problem I had with this book was that there are several massive plot holes. Certain things conveniently happen and other things are pushed aside and forgotten about. And then a large portion of the storyline ends up being almost pointless. (view spoiler)[At first I thought that Sophie being sent into Persephone's memories was interesting. It seemed like it was going to end up being one of those "go back in time and try to stop events from happening then realize that your interference is what caused those events to happen in the first place" kind of time loop. But Sophie did not actually go back in time. It was just a spell, an illusion. And in the end it meant nothing other than some predicable self acceptance. While this book still had some entertaining moments, it was a bit of a letdown especially considering it was the end of the series. It wasn't terrible. But it wasn't great either. RATING FACTORS: Ease of Reading: 4 Stars Writing Style: 3 Stars Characters and Character Development: 3 Stars Plot Structure and Development: 2 Stars Level of Captivation: 3 Stars Originality: 2 Stars (hide spoiler)]