
The Muse is another graphic novel that you should probably just ignore all the words for. The art is luscious, with gorgeously rendered characters and backgrounds. However, there's a lot of skimpy clothing for the sake of skimpy clothing. Which I find myself having a hard time complaining about given my personal preferences... However, it's male gaze-y and may be bothersome to some. The story is... bizarre. A young boy loses his parents and his guardians keep hiring governesses to try and get him to be a proper kid, but he keeps making strange potions that send them all into dream land and you know what, I'm just going to stop trying to unpack this weird, kinda uncomfortable story. The narrative is silly and confusing. I think it is fair to call it rape-y (though our main has a lot of agency and is pretty badass). Let's just go with this is a very pretty, albeit problematically sexualised book. But holyhell is it pretty!