The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins

my friend has been trying to get me to read this since middle school I finally read it and loved it I had a bit of a hard time fallowing what was going on but I read it during an all-nighter so

4.25 stars | This is amazing! I love the art and the humour :) I highly recommend if you've listened to the podcast, and even if you haven't (you should totally listen to it though)!

Fun book! Great translation of the podcast to page.

Those good, good boys (and Clint and Carey Pietsch) made a good, good comic.

I really want to play dnd.

I was smiling the whole time I read this.

5/13/19 reread: I'm so glad I took a little bit more time on my reread. I was able to appreciate the art a bit more and fall in love with the story all over again. In case you are unaware, this book is the first in a graphic novel series that is adapted from a Dungeons and Dragons podcast starring the McElroy brothers and their dad. Patrick Rothfuss wrote an introduction saying that The Adventure Zone is the greatest piece of fiction he's ever consumed. I tend to agree with him. This graphic novel is a pretty faithful adaptation, keeping the flavor while changing some of the action to make it more cohesive as a book. They did need to change some character names to avoid copyright issues with Wizards of the Coast, but that doesn't feel like a big deal to me. 1000000000/10 would recommend listening to The Adventure Zone and reading this graphic novel. Original Review 8/30/18 honestly is it any surprise that i mcfreakin loved this? listen to the podcast. read the graphic novel. you won't be disappointed. the mcelroys are some good good boys who know how to craft a story.

As an illustrator and fan of the podcast, the combination of the McElroy's shenanigans from such an amazing and well-written story and Carey Pietsch's absolutely beautiful illustrations and design skills all mixed into the perfect comic for me. Definitely going to own all of the volumes once they're all published.

Super funny. I loved the interactions through the whole group and dungeon master. I have never listened to the podcast that this graphic novel is based on but I will have to check it out because I laughed all through this book. I am looking forward to the second book.

2.5 stars, mainly because of the art. (Disclaimer!) If you don't like negative reviews of your favorite books/graphic novels don't read this. Review isn't going to be a long one, I guess I should start with the disclaimer that I haven't listened to the podcast that this Graphic Novel is based on. I guess we'll start with the plot.. Plot: 0,5 It was.. fine. It was really messy, kinda boring and I gave it the half star because I liked the ending. Characters: 1 Well.. they are based on actual persons..right? I liked them, it would be mean to nog give this the full score, so one star it is. Writing: 0 No, just no, sorry but no, not for me, sorry. Would I reread it?: 0 No. Bonus: 1 I mean this has nothing to do with the story, the characters, the writing, etc. But the art was amazing! I stuk around for the art 'cause it was just so beautiful! In the end I give this 2,5 stars. It was just for me I guess. Sorry for b*tching on your favorite Graphic Novel if I did, I really am sorry.

the voidfish is so BEAUTIFUL