The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins
Okay. Harken to my tale. Once upon a time (a couple of years ago) there were these brothers who had a bunch of really successful podcasts, and they decided to do a new podcast with their dad, where they all played D&D together as a family, and lo, this new podcast was called The Adventure Zone, and verily did it get downloaded over 10 million times, and wow did it totally eat the brains of all who listened, because: It was just. That. Rad. AND THEN did these guys team up with artist Carey Pietsch, and make a graphic novel where the weirdly sweet and brilliant but also super SUPER vulgar and honestly kind of bizarre story of The Adventure Zone got adapted into a goofy, innovative, and compelling graphic novel! Let no man deny that it was the best idea ever, right? Reader, we're publishing it.
Wes Michaud@westhebookworm
Tyler Netherly@tnetha
Risa C@risa
Toni Turner@tonibahama
Meg Casey@bookpoint
Katherine Erickson@pocketdemon
Renee Delcourt@booksteaandchocolate
Robin de Jong@robintheirreads
zilver @howl
Hannah DCamp@wererabbit
Kylee Smith@kyleedean
Michael Knepprath@mknepprath
Sally Lu@sallehlu
Abhimat Gautam@abhimat
Nora @ngoldie
Kayla Ndife@vulpeculahex