The Girl in the Green Silk Gown

The Girl in the Green Silk Gown

The second book in the Ghost Roads series returns to the highways of America, where hitchhiking ghost Rose Marshall continues her battle with her killer--the immortal Bobby Cross. Once and twice and thrice around, Put your heart into the ground. Four and five and six tears shed, Give your love unto the dead. Seven shadows on the wall, Eight have come to watch your fall: One's for the gargoyle, one's for the grave, And the last is for the one you'll never save. For Rose Marshall, death has long since become the only life she really knows. She's been sweet sixteen for more than sixty years, hitchhiking her way along the highways and byways of America, sometimes seen as an avenging angel, sometimes seen as a killer in her own right, but always Rose, the Phantom Prom Date, the Girl in the Green Silk Gown. The man who killed her is still out there, thanks to a crossroads bargain that won't let him die, and he's looking for the one who got away. When Bobby Cross comes back into the picture, there's going to be hell to pay--possibly literally. Rose has worked for decades to make a place for herself in the twilight. Can she defend it, when Bobby Cross comes to take her down? Can she find a way to navigate the worlds of the living and the dead, and make it home before her hitchhiker's luck runs out? There's only one way to know for sure. Nine will let you count the cost: All you had and all you lost. Ten is more than time can tell, Cut the cord and ring the bell. Count eleven, twelve, and then, Thirteen takes you home again. One's for the shadow, one's for the tree, And the last is for the blessing of Persephone.
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Photo of Janna Niemi
Janna Niemi@allandanybooks
5 stars
Oct 30, 2022

This is a ghost story but it’s also so much more than just a ghost story. Meet Rose Marshall, the girl in the green silk gown, the phantom prom date and so on. She’s a hitchhiking ghost. Add the person who already killed her once and want to kill her again and you’ve got a prober adventure in your hands. This book is amazing, the book pulls you in from the first words and keeps you in until the very last period. I loved every second if this book. Add all the amazing characters and you’ve got a marvelous novel in your hand that just hooks you in. All in all, this book is amazing and my only regret is not reading the first book in the series. I recommend this book from the very bottom of my heart. *ARC received from the publisher via First to Read.

Photo of Rachel Kanyid
Rachel Kanyid@mccallmekanyid
4 stars
Jan 15, 2023
Photo of Stephanie Shaw
Stephanie Shaw@sushisempai
4 stars
Dec 14, 2022
Photo of Lauren Sullivan
Lauren Sullivan@llamareads
4 stars
Feb 21, 2022
Photo of danielle bush
danielle bush@daniereads87
5 stars
Nov 29, 2021
Photo of Kelly Gorman
Kelly Gorman@dreadpiratekel
4 stars
Oct 11, 2021

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