
Really terrifying...dark but I loved it.

3.5 stars

HOLY CRAP! WOW! This was a powerful read, where we see the greatest comic book villain of all time fall, not into being good, but in losing himself. The Joker, the most original psychopath I've ever seen in fiction, loses his touch. He losses Harley, loses his face, loses everything. Watching his brilliance push Batman too far was something else. The fact is, that even this monster volume nearly triple the size of the average Batman graphic novel, barely touches how in depth this arc really is. You have to read each individual title to get the whole picture of just what he did, and how he's changed. This isn't the Joker that makes you laugh, and then cringe. This is Joker as we've never seen before, where we're dying to see Batman break his vow and take him out. Because this Joker makes every other Joker look tame. And that's why this is a masterpiece.