Violent Ends

Book #21 Read in 2018 Violent Ends by many authors A school shooting happens. This book is told by a different person each chapter. All relate to the school shooter and the shooting in some way. This is a powerful read and very timely. It shows that no one is all good or all bad. I would recommend this book to high school and adult readers.

Interesting idea, having several authors write a story like this - but unfortunately I didn't feel like it was executed as well as it could have been. I felt like there was no true conclusion, like I was reading for answers and I didn't get any. Kirby was portrayed in the way most white male mass murderers are portrayed; I felt this book was aiming to challenge perceptions but this didn't. Mildly disappointed.

I really did love this and the stories of each person but I feel like I needed more at the end. Like there were unanswered questions and I'm sad that the book is over and I will never know

I thought this was an interesting concept about all these different point of view on a school shooter. Some were better then others. I really liked the one that was told from the gun.

Wow look finally finished a book.. I need Queen of Air and Darkness like yesterday. It's sending me into a slump anticipating it.

Good read. Different perspectives of the same event.

i've never read any book even remotely similar to this one before. the literal change of perspective had me changing my perspective pretty often, and i almost found myself liking kirby, which i guess is the point of the novel. i'm kind of irked that so many loose ends were never tied up, such as the issue of the pop tarts, and the very last chapter ended just like every other chapter: unsatisfying. nonetheless, i thought this was a very interesting and unique book, and it gives a lot of fresh insight on the invisible causes and unforeseen aftermath of tragedies.