Vergil's Aeneid, Books I-VI

Vergil's Aeneid, Books I-VI

This is the book that revolutionized Latin textbooks, with its student-friendly format of vocabulary and notes on the same page as the Latin text, and unique pull-out vocabulary of most-often repeated words. Together, these allow for faster reading, unimpeded by the page-turning required to look up vocabulary or consult notes. Pharr's Aeneid is the all-time most popular textbook of Vergil's Aeneid. Grammatical notes are supported by a full grammatical appendix; vocabulary memorization is aided by vocabulary lists, arranged by frequency of occurrence, for drilling. The perfect edtion for both classroom and home study. --
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Photo of Tiffanie Dang
Tiffanie Dang@lovelessdegrees
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021
Photo of Joshua Line
Joshua Line@fictionjunky
4 stars
Sep 30, 2021

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