56 Days A Thriller
No one even knew they were together. Now one of them is dead. 56 DAYS AGO Ciara and Oliver meet in a supermarket queue in Dublin and start dating the same week COVID-19 reaches Irish shores. 35 DAYS AGO When lockdown threatens to keep them apart, Oliver suggests they move in together. Ciara sees a unique opportunity for a relationship to flourish without the scrutiny of family and friends. Oliver sees a chance to hide who--and what--he really is. TODAY Detectives arrive at Oliver's apartment to discover a decomposing body inside. Can they determine what really happened, or has lockdown created an opportunity for someone to commit the perfect crime?


Rebecca Hurd@becca2bz


vyn @poisonivyinyourarms

Amelia Hruby@ameliajo

Kristen Claiborn@kristenc

Molly Morgan@sarcasticlive

sophia n@nyx

Cassandra Martin@hauntedhexgirl

Kaitlyn Cortez@kcortez

Gretchen Sartele@gretchenplz


Molly Morgan@sarcasticlive

Julie Viravaux@bookishacademia

Caitlyn Hagen@clovermine

Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

Jamie Trenholm@jamietren

Kathryn @kathrynelise8

Lauren Attaway@camcray

Aubrey Erskine@shelflifechronicles


Kristina Masone@kayemm3

Melissa Deitrick@melissadeitrick

Anna Wilson@thebooksandanna