4.50 from Paddington (BBC Radio Collection)

4.50 from Paddington (BBC Radio Collection)

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Photo of Alisa
Alisa @sherly
5 stars
Mar 6, 2025

Wonderful! Exciting!

Photo of Aamna
3 stars
Dec 20, 2023


Photo of Samantha King
Samantha King@samtalksbooks
3 stars
May 24, 2023

A decent read, this one started of really good but then I felt like it lost me. Don't get me wrong I still had a good time reading this and it's my second book by Miss Agatha but compared to MOYOE I didnt love this one as much.

Photo of Stef
3 stars
Jan 2, 2023

Baca ulang setelah menonton adaptasi Tv Film nya versi TV Asashi yang cukup lumayan seru. Dan tetap saja tercenang dengan penyelesaian kasus nya. Meskipun tetap pembangunan misteri nya sedikit bikin bosen dan baru seru-seru menuju akhir-akhir buku.

Photo of Liz B
Liz B@lizbayer
4 stars
Dec 29, 2022

Love a book that celebrates the intelligence of older women!

Photo of Kirsten Simkiss
Kirsten Simkiss@vermidian
4 stars
Sep 12, 2022

Well, Mrs. McGillicuddy certainly saw something! If only she'd seen just a little more! This is a solid whodunit, though not one of her more successful ones in my opinion. (Though I do love the Geraldine McEwen screen adaptation of this one.) It's a clever and complicated murder, to be sure. The characters did sometimes blend together a bit in my mind - especially Harold and Cedric. In the end, however, the culprit was apprehended and justice inevitably served. I don't want to say too much for fear of giving away plot points, but I prefer to think Lucy chose her career over either of the two men vying for her attentions. I can definitely recommend this to others.

Photo of Ofelia
4 stars
Sep 11, 2022

Bello, ma lo ammetto sono un po' delusa dal finale. Da una scrittrice come Agatha Christie mi sarei aspettata un'uscita migliore, invece sono piuttosto sicura che nessuno sia riuscito ad indovinare chi era il colpevole prima che Miss Marple lo stanasse, e questa è una cosa che nei libri gialli per me è una grossa pecca. Non intendo il non capire personalmente chi è l'assassino ovviamente! intendo magari non capirlo però una volta scoperto chiedersi: "ma come ho fatto a non notarlo?! guarda gli indizi che aveva lasciato in giro per tutto il libro e che io non avevo assolutamente notato! ecco perché in quel momento si era comportato così ed in quell'altro cosà!" ed invece... niente. Un bel libro comunque, si legge bene ed è piacevole ma manca quel guizzo finale che lo avrebbe reso degno di Agatha Christie.

Photo of mevi
3 stars
Aug 17, 2022

3-3.5 stars. Buddy read. On a train, an old woman wakes up from a small nap and sees a murder flash right before her eyes on a passing train. But, who will believe her? This is my first Miss Marple story, and it didn't focus on her but someone she hired named Lucy Eyelesbarrow. The cast of characters were an interesting bunch, a little one dimensional, but interesting. The twist was a little predictable near the end of the book, but overall it was a nice read. Definitely not one of Christie's best stories I have read so far, but I've only read a couple of hers so far.

Photo of Sarah Escorsa
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
4 stars
Mar 8, 2022

Je ne me lasse jamais des romans d'Agatha Christie. J'en ai lu certains de nombreuses fois et j'ai vu leurs adaptations à la télévision et au cinéma mais leur lecture me donne toujours autant de plaisir:)

Photo of Sarah Escorsa
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
4 stars
Mar 8, 2022

Dear Agatha, she does it everytime doesn't she?! I just loved this, it's definitely one of the Marple adventures I like best!

Photo of Morgana
3 stars
Dec 23, 2021

** spoiler alert ** Carino, ma forse era troppo "impossibile" indovinare l'assassino, ed a me piace riuscire ad arrivare alla conclusione prima del finale o almeno avere indizi per poterci arrivare e qui non mi sembra ce ne fossero molti. Mi sarebbe piaciuto riuscire a capire chi era l'assassino, ma non ho mai dubitato di lui se non a poco dalla fine e comunque non avevo prove contro il medico. Ero invece abbastanza sicura che fosse Bryan l'avvelenatore, almeno finché non ha parlato di ereditare la villa con Alexander una volta morti tutti gli altri, allora ho capito che nessuno si sarebbe mai smascherato in quel modo.

Photo of Kimberly
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021

Really enjoyed this one. Ms Christie got me again on this one. Had no idea who the killer was. It was clever.

Photo of Paula
2 stars
Oct 21, 2021

A very suprising ending, perfect for murder mystery lovers which (I myself an not, thus the low rating).

Photo of Amit Gawande
Amit Gawande@amit
3 stars
Sep 22, 2021

I was about to rate this book a lot lower than what I eventually did. The meandering second half - a difficult feat in an already short book - made me forget how brilliant the first half of the book was. I felt this was a short story that Christie wrote first and then rewrote it for a book. Wish she hadn't.

Photo of Sandy
4 stars
Aug 30, 2021

I genuinely enjoyed this book; it manages that perfect balance of making you feel smug about totally knowing who the murderer was, and then wrecking your expectations again, leaving you in that thrilling state of “but if that's not it..HOW?“ The only reason I'm giving four stars instead of five is the rushed ending, which felt rather disinterested and would've deserved an entire chapter instead of a few pages. And, is Lucy marrying who I think she'll marry?? Does she need to marry anyone at all? Yeah, I still have a few question. But ultimately, nobody is smarter than Miss Marple, and damn this woman is bloody brilliant, I adore her!

Photo of Sonia Flores
Sonia Flores@soniareads
4 stars
Aug 29, 2021

Tenía muchísimo tiempo deseando leer a esta mujer, y por cosas de la vida este ejemplar llegó a mis manos para complacerme. Debo empezar diciendo que aunque el inicio fue un poco lento, pronto entendí el porqué de la manera en que se desarrollaron las cosas. Cuando la historia llegó a su clímax, obtuvo todo mi interés y mi concentración, y entonces todo sucedió de manera vertiginosa, que casi no me da tiempo de hacer mi propia hipótesis. Hice muchas, pero creo que no me acerqué ni un poco a la verdad, y eso es lo que me encanta de este tipo de libros. Cuando se hacen impredecibles, se ganan todo mi respeto. Aún puedo maravillarme de la manera en que muchos autores pueden hacer de unas pocas páginas (comparadas con la longitud de historias que he leído) una gran obra, impecable y precisa. Es espléndido.

Photo of Zita Azlina
Zita Azlina@shenglingyuan
4 stars
Jan 9, 2024
Photo of mia
4 stars
Jan 30, 2022
Photo of Sajiya Chaudhary
Sajiya Chaudhary@sajiya_khalik
3 stars
Jul 17, 2024
Photo of LC
5 stars
Jul 5, 2024
Photo of manda
3 stars
Mar 21, 2024
Photo of Sonia Grgas
Sonia Grgas@sg911911
3 stars
Feb 23, 2024
Photo of Kaitlyn Davis
Kaitlyn Davis @kaitlynelyse1
5 stars
Jan 27, 2024
Photo of Dhananjay Gahlawat
Dhananjay Gahlawat@jaygahlawat
3 stars
Dec 19, 2023

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