Augustine: Confessions Books I-IV

Augustine: Confessions Books I-IV

Accompanied by a commentary, this volume presents the Latin text of one of the great classics of Christian literature. Books I-IV of the Confessions reflect on Augustine's infancy and childhood, adolescent rebellion and student days, as well as his early teaching career.
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Photo of Sean Wilson
Sean Wilson@seantwilson
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024

Glorious. The most striking thing reading it this time was how buzzed Augustine was about "the present time" of the interadvental period. This isn't just a kind of "in the meantime" time, but in many ways fulfils what the psalms and the prophets foretold: the worship of demons would be driven out from the world by the city of God, and the whole world would sing a new song to the Lord. Notwithstanding the smack talk Augustine sometimes gets for his allegory, I thought it was generally very good. He is very good at hearing things rhyme with each other, for example, that Cain the firstborn and Abel the secondborn correspond to the first "earthy" man and the second "heavenly" man of 1 Cor. 15, and in turn to the earthly and heavenly cities which set their hopes on those respective ends.

Photo of Luke Stamps
Luke Stamps@lukestamps
5 stars
Jun 20, 2023
Photo of Aaron McCollough
Aaron McCollough@rondollah
5 stars
Jan 9, 2023
Photo of pam a lamb
pam a lamb@alambnamedpam
2 stars
Oct 28, 2021

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