
Styx & Stones is a book that hits you in all the feels. It sucks you in and doesn't let you go once you start reading! I'm sure this isn't an easy book to read for everyone, but I would definitely recommend it to the readers who don't mind the more difficult reads. Styx has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, again! He's beat it once, but he's not so sure that will be able to happen again. Styx has the habit of joking about the cancer and maybe being a bit dark with his jokes, but we all have our own way of coping right? I really enjoyed Styx. He may seem really tough, but he's actually pretty sensitive. Styx is afraid and seeing his school crush walk into chemo was the last thing he expected. This definitely changes his life. Stones has just been recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and is really scared. She's trying her hardest to fight this disease and cope with how her life is now. Having two best friends who don't seem to really understand is hard, but her big Instagram following is keeping her going. Just like Styx, Stones never expected to see him there at chemo. Even though he clearly wants to connect, it scares her, because he makes fun of everything, while she's trying to survive! Styx and Stones getting to know each other was an emotional roller coaster ride. Their story had me laughing, crying, hoping they would get all the time in the world and really just enjoying the ride. Even though they connect pretty fast in this story, I think that's normal seeing how they don't know how much time they actually have. I love how they joke around and even reference The Fault in Our Stars. And even though how dangerous it was, I loved their adventure to Disneyland. Just two kids off on a fun and exciting adventure. There are a few things I needed a bit more of in this story. Stones has issues with her friends and even her art are two things only briefly mentioned. I would've liked to have learned a bit more. Also, I would've liked to have known a bit more about what Styx dreamed of. I felt that we learned a little more about Stones than him. I understand why the story went the way it does, but I would've loved to have just a little more. Sometimes weeks passed between chapters and I felt I would've connected just a bit more with more to read. All in all, this book was unique in its own way. No matter how young you are you can love, even when illness gets in your way. Maybe even more so, because you don't know how long you'll be around. Definitely always tell the people you love how you feel! Styx & Stones doesn't end like I thought it would, but I can definitely accept how it ended. This author knows how to get you to feel and connect with her characters. I always love when an author can make you feel something with such a difficult story!