
Back to gays. my favorite of the series. We get post epilogue content for the other couples and justice for Margot.

this is good I love women I just personally didn’t feel the relationship and I hate miscommunication like just talk to each other sry

Count Your Lucky Stars is a fun and humorous read, with a great wlw romance. I loved the relationship development between Margot and Olivia, despite the fact I normally dislike the miscommunication trope. I found it quite funny and ironic when Margot also commented on her hatred for miscommunication tropes. Despite the inclusion of sex scenes and sexually explicit material, I felt the author didn’t overwhelm the story with it, she found a good balance. I felt that the climatic part of the book was rushed, and for that I feel the author could’ve spent more time developing the plot alongside the two main leads relationship. However, I do understand that Count Your Lucky Stars is just a lighthearted, fun, and somewhat goofy book. I enjoyed it.

Love the characters. Cute story.

3.5,, the humour in this books is chefs kiss

3,5 starsss The WIS trilogy is very fluffy as a whole, my favorite were the first and this one :) I love the friendships each character has with each other and their significant others 🥺 Because they all happen within the same friend group, the challenges and ~falling in love~ scenes are pretty similar in all three books but it's nice to see the small twists that make it a little more unique than the others in the series

**Huge thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this arc free of charge in exchange for an honest review.** This book is book 3 in a series, nit you do not need to read the others before this one. I found this story to be really fun and also funny. Even though it was kind of predictable, it was very enjoyable! Overall it was fun, steamy, funny, and overall a great read.

Thoroughly enjoyable, spicy, quippy and fun.
I don't feel qualified to really add more as I haven't read the rest of the books in the series so all I'll say is that if your looking for a book to kill a few hours - look no further. Good plot, well developed characters and a good amount of sapphic spice.

Really good, but the first book is hard to beat

"Elle and Darcy had gotten the happy ending they deserved. That's what Brendon kept calling it. A happy ending. Margot was pretty sure it was only the beginning for all of them." Count Your Lucky Stars is a nice, sound ending to a really fun romance series. I still think Written in the Stars was the best book of the three, but I really enjoyed Count Your Lucky Stars a lot more than I had anticipated. I just loved Elle and Darcy so much, and I really didn't enjoy Hang the Moon, so I was worried Margot and Olivia's story wouldn't do much for me. But, dare I say, Margot and Olivia had more romantic chemistry than Elle and Darcy? I never thought I would be a fan of second-chance romance, but there was just SUCH good chemistry between Margot and Olivia. I really think they were so perfect together and they were very easy to ship. Bellefleur handled their past really well. She really fleshed out their backstory without spending a painful amount of time rehashing it all. I was really surprised by how well it was done, actually. It didn't get brought up often and it wasn't a huge point of disagreement between Olivia and Margot which was nice. I was glad that Bellefleur gave them more relevant things to work out than an 11 year old spring break fling. It was really mature, and I think this book handled the topic of abandonment issues and caring too much for others really well. Those aren't vices that get handled a lot in romance, or very well in romance, so it was nice to see Olivia learn to care for herself as much as she cares for others and for Margot to come to terms with her abandonment fears and actually work through them. The smut was GOD-TIER. There was simply not enough in Written in the Stars and Hang the Moon, so I was living for all the sexy scenes with Liv and Mar. Like I said earlier, their chemistry was off the charts, so their smut scenes were just so so good. Some issues I had with this book were that I just found it a bit unsatisfying. I felt like Bellefleur really set up some great angst, and then it didn't go anywhere. I am a huge fan of angst, which I totally understand isn't everyone's thing. But I was really feeling like Margot was gonna have some intense angst with her friends that would lead to some big mushy found-family type scene. I mean, not inviting Margot to yoga was pretty crappy. And Brendon setting Olivia up with his friend? I thought that HAD to lead to some confrontation. But nope, it went nowhere. It was just super unsatisfying. I had the same issue with Hang the Moon. Darcy was kinda cruel to Annie and it didn't really get resolved. It was the same thing here. A lot of angst and bad feelings and no good feelings to balance it out. I also was praying for a Margot/Luke confrontation but that didn't happen either. I just felt like a lot was being set up but not being seen through. Also, I know this is the last book in the series, but I wish the epilogue had been a bit more sound for Olivia and Margot. We got to see Brendon and Annie married, Elle and Darcy married, Brendon and Annie with a baby, but no big ending for Margot and Olivia. Overall, I enjoyed this. It was a bit disappointing in some aspects and a bit unsatisfying. I think a lot more could have been done with this last installment, but it was still a great ending for these great couples. I'll read anything Bellefleur publishes in the future for sure! Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for a free e-copy in exchange for an honest review! Count Your Lucky Stars - 3/5 Stars

** spoiler alert ** childhood friends to lovers and miscommunication trope, my best friends. i love that even though they hadn’t seen each other for 11 years they could still be friends and all the stuff that happened in the past hadn’t left them, if that makes sense. this book was so well done and the epilogue at the end was adorable, i love that it ended with all three couples married/engaged.

THIS IS THE SECOND — THIRD?? — BOOK IN A SERIES WHICH I DID NOT KNOW. I think this is the second time we are meeting Olivia, and then we are meeting Margot for the first time (but the first book maybe was not about Olivia?). This is a second-chance romance novel with no flashbacks, and as your Local Flashback Hater, I’m very into this. The chemistry between Margot and Olivia is fast and heady, which I loved. I felt uhhh extremely neutral about the sex scenes, which also seem to be the most they talk to each other. Honestly this book would have been better without the sex scenes; most of the other parts of the book are perfectly fine. The sex scenes are just. Uhhhh. Yeah. It’s a fun read! Bring it to the beach! Bring it on a camping trip! Read it on the bus! Three stars. I’m not memorizing any passages from this book.

It's a fun romance read & I definitely felt the chemistry between the characters


For someone who gates the Miscommunication trope I loved this book! It cute and well written.

i honestly don't have much to say about this. there was so much potential for this, being a second chance romance but it just didn't do much for me. i'm glad i kept on with this series but overall, i just feel very meh about it all.

16+ 5/5 Stars 0.5/5 spices Tropes: Second Chance at Love, Falling for the best friend, friends-strangers-lovers Wow, boy did I enjoy this book. This is a cute second-chance romance between two ex-best friends. To be completely honest this was my first book of the series. I loved the dual POV which each girl. Margot was definitely a character I resonated with. Something that I really liked about this book was that even if Olivia was bisexual, she ended with a woman. As a bisexual woman, this was something that I wanted to experience and it was nice to read about. Normalizing that bisexuals exist. It was truly great. Since this is my first read from Alexandria, I will say I did fall in love with the fast-paced writing style. I also enjoyed the POV which I mentioned earlier. I think Alexandria does well with this style of dual pov that is very fast-paced. It was the perfect length. Was a tad scared around 90% of the book that she wasn't going to be able to wrap it up in time for the book to end. If I did have to critique it a little, I would have the characters address their ending argument more. Explaining more to each other and have that communication between each other like they did with other characters.

I would like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an advance digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I would also like to note that I did not realize this book was part of a series, and it can definitely be read as a stand alone or out of order without confusion. It was very similar to Talia Hibbert’s Brown sisters books, in that main characters from all three books show up as side characters in the others. I thought this book was YA when I received it, so the spice level was a bit of a surprise going in. However, once I realized I was reading an adult romcom, I found this book to be mostly a delight to read. The main characters are both bisexual, which is really unusual. Since finding bi representation in fiction can be quite difficult, I was really happy to see that this was a clear factor in this book, but it wasn’t thrown in your face or made a constant issue. No one really even commented on the characters’ sexualities—they were able to exist as characters who are developed in other ways without hiding their bisexuality or leaving it super vague, which is nice to see. I will say, I felt the hook dropped just a few pages too soon in this version. If left up to me, Olivia’s commentary on the name M. Cooper in the first chapter would be left out, allowing the introduction to Margot in real time to stand on its own. It was one of the only moments in the book that I felt stepped on it’s own toes a bit, as this book otherwise steered clear of being too heavy-handed or cheesy in favor of relationships that felt genuine to me, if a bit rushed at times. All in all, this is a super cute romcom, and if you are a fan of LGBTQ+ romance and not afraid of a little descriptive spice, pick up Count Your Lucky Stars when it releases in February!

There’s nothing Alexandria could write that I wouldn’t love at this point I’m convinced! Between the Omg they were roommates and first love I was hooked from the beginning. The spice was delightful and definitely spicier than I was anticipating (welcome obviously). My only complaint really is I felt this okie took the miscommunication trope a bridge too far 😂 I was getting a little bit frustrated with both Margot and Olivia by the halfway mark but the wrap up was adorable, if not a touch rushed. I would have liked a bit longer epilogue or maybe one more chapter between the last and the epilogue!

Yes, hi, yes. this book was amazing and EVERYONE needs to read it. FRTC

Actual rating: 4.5 stars It took me forever to read this book but that's how I am with ebooks oops. But this is my first book by Alexandria Bellefleur and will for sure be one of many. I have already bought the second book in the series (because yes I'm reading them out of order oops) But not only is this sapphic, with a bi main character, but had such an amazing story. I also believe there is anxiety rep throughout the story, there is also another sapphic relationship with two side characters. I absolutely adored this book and am so excited to pick up a physical copy when this releases in 2022.

This was cute and steamy and hilarious. I absolutely love what Alexandria Bellefleur is doing for the romance genre. Don't go into this thinking it's going to be soft and cutesy like most other traditionally published sapphic romances out on the market right now. Bellefleur does not hold back on the smut and I loved every second of it. It was such a nice change of pace. That's not all I loved of course. The chemistry between Margot and Olivia was great. The fact that they didn't talk to each other about their feelings until around 60-70% of the novel was a bit frustrating and did hinder my enjoyment at times but at least this was mentioned within the characters inner dialogue so it did seem self aware in that sense. This book was also very funny. Of course, humor is subjective and can be a hit or miss with readers but it surely worked for me. I think Cat has to be my new favorite character within this companion series. The only reason I knocked it down a star was because at times, there was just too much description of what the characters were doing. Every movement they made was narrated to us and at times, I'd just have preferred to fill in the blanks myself. It may seem like a small gripe but I found myself skimming longer paragraphs. If this had just been edited down a tad it could have been a new favorite. With that all being said, this will still be a romance novel I recommend in the future.

wow my heart <3 Two childhood best friends who had one week of spring break bliss, until a misinterpretation of a text leads to heartbreak and no communication for ten years...until Olivia is assigned to be the wedding planner for Margot's best friend's wedding. THE PINING. THE DIRTY TALK. Roommates too!?!? Stop it. I loved it all. You get a great dose of returning characters, especially Brendon and Elle, and a fiery romance between my two new favorites. Fully reviewed for Library Journal Content notes: there's a cute cat named Cat (nothing bad or happens to the cat), Olivia's father had a heart attack in the past, she worries about his health. Olivia's mother died a few years ago. Margot has a little accident on a ski slope (she's fine).