Devious Little Liars A Reverse Harem Bully Romance

Holy moly. This was unexpected… in a good way. It was a dark, gritty, suspenseful romance with the perfect whodunnit moments that had me on the edge of my seat. Like holy shit, why haven't I heard of Ella Thrope before?! It blows me away that I have finally finally found a bully romance that I actually like despite the *gag* reverse harem trope. Besides that, this story sucked me in and for the reasons listed above, obviously I would highly recommend this to all dark romance readers. You'll be in for a wild ride.


4.5 Stars!


3.5 stars*

I personally rather enjoyed this book(all the books in this series actually). It is a reverse harken style book, so if that is not your style I would not read. I often love the reverse harem, and this book as was one of those books from this style that I enjoyed. I felt like even though the characters are high schoolers that they were still mature and the I honestly never saw what was coming next. I was excited to read the next book in the series, it is also a kindle unlimited book which is also nice.