
Really fun read! Loved all the gossip and the whole PTA aspect.

Single mother Mavis Miller is trying to do the best she can for her daughter, Pearl, while living in a mostly white community, when she is roped into chairing a PTA committee on diversity. Just as she realizes that she might actually be able to do some good, the new high school principal goes missing and Mavis thinks she may be a witness. Mavis thinks she might be imagining things, but she finds herself confiding in the handsome school psychologist, Jack, and they take it upon themselves to begin an investigation into the principal's disappearance.
It's Elementary is not exactly the story that I expected. The mystery is kind of odd and Mavis's reasons for getting involved are flawed, especially for someone trying to remain outside of school politics. Also, it is disappointing that there isn't more about the diversity committee and any good they might do; it's used more as a plot device, giving Mavis a reason to be at school after hours. More humor might have provided more character development and added more to the story. Overall, It's Elementary is a different kind of cozy mystery.