Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian

As the series progressed the books became more and more unrealistic. The earlier books were easy to get lost in because the logic made sense. This book diverges into souls and the afterlife. Artemis Fowl in the beginning was based in reality, technology, and the possibility of an underground civilisation. The series just became more and more unbelievable that it was difficult to stay in the story and not continuously think "but this is fiction so it IS possible in the context of the story". If you have never read the series before I would stop after the third book.

I thought I would hate this ending (thanks to some spoilers I came across), but I loved Artemis Fowl to the very end. This was a brilliant ending to the series, and I seriously hope I can find another character like Artemis Fowl. Reread: I want to cry. I knew that ending was coming and I dreaded it the closer it came, but I was still not prepared for it. It says something about a writer when you still feel so much on a reread. I both hate and love this ending. Now all I want to do is reread it. Thank God there's a continuation series with the twins!

[review from 2012] So I read The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer earlier this week but forgot to review it. In retrospect, part of this was because I was utterly stunned by this book. Like, it’s Artemis Fowl, and it was different. Like many books, this one decided to go with the end of the world again, and Artemis was the only one who could stop it. The story mirrored the first book in a way. It took place almost entirely in and around Fowl Manor, with Opal trying to unleash something that would kill all humans. Now, this book wouldn’t have affected me so much if it wasn’t for the plot twist at the end. I sat there in the middle of rehearsal with tears streaming down my face because Artemis Fowl just gave me about fifteen hundred feels. And the end–the book ends of the series. “It all started in Ho Min Chi City. Sweltering by anyone’s standards.” And at that point I just started bawling and if I got my hands on the first book, I would likely sit there sobbing my face off because this series. I think it had a good ending to it, and yes, I would like more books, but Artemis’ adventures are over and however hard it is to accept that, I must.

Artemis Fowl is on his last adventure. Having just recovered from the fairy disorder of Atlantis Complex, Opal Koboi, the one from ten years ago, has been captured by two gnomes, and will be killed. The only way Koboi can be saved is if the current Koboi is released from Atlantis. If the other Koboi is killed, it could cause nuclear fission. Artemis realizes that they are at Fowl Manor, in Dublin. What is happening underground? What is happening at Fowl Manor? What will happen to the Kobois? Find out in Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian!

Loved every single part of the last guardian.... I was in tears when arty dies.... Wished there were more to come in this series :,(

We are fine, Butler. That is to say that I, Artemis Fowl the Second, am one hundred percent functional, which is about five times the functionality of an average person. Or to put it another way: one point five Mozarts. Or three-quarters of a da Vinci. "The odds are against us, as they have been so often, my friend,” he whispered, as much to himself as to Holly. Perhaps we can win, he thought. But there will be no happy ending. “We lost the crickets,” said Butler, causing Holly to break down in a splutter of hysterical giggles, which she stifled in her sopping sleeve. “We lost the crickets,” she said. “Even you can’t make that sound tough." Butler rubbed water from his close-cropped hair. “I am Butler,” he said, straight-faced. “Everything I say sounds tough. Now, get out of the lake, fairy.” ... as his lawyer had once famously said, Three or four percent of the time my client was not a hundred percent accountable for the particular crime he was being accused of, which is to say that there were a significant number of incidents where Mr. Diggums’s involvement in the said incidents was negligible even if he might have technically been involved in wrongdoing adjacent to the crime scene on a slightly different date than specified on the LEP warrant. “Wow,” said Holly, watching arrows thunk into the nose and wings. “You didn’t foresee a troll-riding dwarf pushing your plane down the runway. You must be losing your touch, Artemis.” Artemis looked at Holly then and felt a tremendous affection for her. He wished that he could loop the past ten seconds and study it at a less stressful time so he could properly appreciate how fierce and beautiful his best friend was. Holly never seemed so vital as when she was balancing on the fine line between life and death. Her eyes shone and her wit was sharp. Whereas others would fall apart or withdraw, Holly attacked the situation with a vigor that made her glow. She is truly magical, thought Artemis. Perhaps her qualities are more obvious to me now that I have decided to sacrifice myself. “Okay. Death cheated one more time. What’s next, brainiac?” There was no time. No time for anything but action. The fear had passed, and Artemis was still set on his course. I can do it, he realized. I can think with my heart.

I wish I had been able to give this book 5 stars. I've loved the Artemis Fowl series far more than I thought I would but the finale let me down just a little. It was still a good book but in my opinion Colfer used too much "deus ex machina" for my taste. I was also a little confused as to what the driving problem was but that was likely my fault since it had been about a year since I read "The Atlantis Complex".

The final installment to this wonderful, hilarious series is just as amazing as the rest. Although the beginning was a little out there, even for me, the characters, plot, and funny moments won me over once again. And while the beginning bothered me, the ending was beautiful, and brought me full circle. 5 out of 5 for sure! Sad to see the end of this. Time to see if the new series from this author will intrigue me! <3