Weekend Wife

A fun easy read. I liked Leah as a character but Grant was just OK. Add him to the list of romance characters who have a bad relationship and then decide they just won't have any more, ever. It's silly. He's a stereotypical Grumpy Man who becomes infatuated with the Fun Girl even though he doesn't do relationships. I have a hard time buying the Marriage of Convenience trope in most contemporary stories - it's just hard to buy it. Like "you need to be married by x date or you don't get your inheritance" plots always leave me eyerolling before I get over it and move on. Here, Grant needs to have a wife or he will lose his position as the CEO of the family business. Why does he need a wife to do the job? He doesn't. So basically his family is using his job to manipulate him into a marriage. Anyhoo...... Once I got past these points, it was an enjoyable, if not utterly predictable, read.