Growth Hacker Marketing A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and Advertising

If you’ve read “the lean startup” by Eric Ries, then this book is a bit redundant. Most of the ideas presented in growth hacker are better explained in lean startup. It seems like the hack that holiday made, was reappropriating the information to a different audience. Which is fine by me, as marketers and businesses owners are not necessarily the same people. However this book is VERY surface level, very short and not really that informative. It’s still a fun read if you’re interested in the topic. Hearing the same story multiple times helps solidifying the concepts. But if you’re not here for that but rather for the information itself, just read the lean startup and skip this one.

Este libro es tremenda introducción al Growth Hacking. El tema resulta apasionante para quién le interese las prácticas de marketing actuales.

This is a short book (less than 100 pages). It’s an introductory view to the growth hacking world. It talks about the main differences between regular marketing and growth hacking strategies, shares a lot of content and nice examples. Great read for any entrepreneur or marketing individual.

Short but quite insightful. If you're just starting off on your journey to learn (or master) growth hacking, this book is a good first step.

The first of many marketing books that I'm going to read, kick started by a recommendation from a marketing consultant that a company I freelance for has hired. I've been brought in as a social media consultant, mainly on the back of my being friends with the business owner and the fact that I have photography and video skills and equipment. I'm going to build this into a career and will be devouring books over the next few months as I grow into my new business. This book was a very good start to that process and I couldn't be more excited. The book is a nice length and talks about techniques that I was peripherally aware of but had never had it all laid out in a concise way. I use or have used many of the services that are mentioned (Spotify, Uber, Hotmail et al) and it's nice to have some of their strategies explained in such a simple way.

2-3 saatte okuyabileceğiniz, çerezlik ama bir o kadar da bilgilendirici bir kitap. Digital Marketing ile biraz bile olsa ilgiliyseniz okuyun... Ben Ryan Holiday'le ilk kez tanıştım ve sevdim açıkçası... Kitabın sonunda Ryan Holiday'a email gönderdiğinizde size bir sürü Growth Hacking materyali ve başka bir kitabının ilk bölümünü yolluyor. Ayrıca, birçok Growth Hacking materyali hakkında da bilgi var kitabın içinde.