
Jane is a lonely little girl until she meets her imaginary friend, Michael, until her ninth birthday were he has to say goodbye. Twenty years later Jane is still having trouble with life until she catches a glimpse of a man who has a strong resemblance to her once imaginary pal. Sundays at Tiffany's is a sweet little romance book that will melt your heart if you ignore all the improbability of it.


This was the second time that I have read this book. The first time I was in high school, fast forward 8 years, I had forgotten most of the book! I knew the jist of it but not any major points. It was a really good book I enjoyed the characters, I always seem to find James Pattersons characters to feel kinda all like the same? they are interesting dont get me wrong.. But they all feel very familiar. I didnt see the ending coming but that was one part that I found very enjoyable/emotional. OH! I also listened to the audiobook this time around and I enjoyed that aspect of it. It went really fast. I would probably give it a 3.25 or even a 3.5 It is a great story about mother daughter relationships and how they are not always perfect.