Destined for an early grave

Destined for an early grave

Since half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her undead lover Bones met six years ago, they've fought against the rogue undead, battled a vengeful Master vampire, and pledged their devotion with a blood bond. Their hopes for a perfect Paris holiday are dashed when Cat awakes one night in terror. She'll need all the power she can summon in order to bring down the baddest bloodsucker she's ever faced, even if getting that power will result in an early grave.
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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

It has been six exciting years since Cat met her husband Bones, and they have journeyed on one adventure after another, never a dull moment. When Cat starts have horrible dreams of a man she doesn't recognize in real life, but is able to trap her in her sleeping state, she and Bones investigate. They learn that Gregor knew Cat when she was 16 years old, and that her memory was wiped and has no recollection of him at all, even though he claims she is his wife and not Bones. When Cat finds out that Gregor has the ability to steal her away in her dreams, she knows things are about to get ugly. Even though she is as curious as a cat about her loss memory, she also doesn't want to risk losing the one man she loves with a desperation. Even though Bones is protecting her, Cat knows that it will be up to her to find Gregor's weak link and use it against him, even if that means risking her own life to do it. It will mean using everything Bone's has ever taught her and more... As the fourth in the series, I think I am falling in love all over again with Cat and Bones. This is probably one of my favorites, I really like how the relationship between Cat and Bones escalates even further. There is also a few conflicts that test Cat and Bones even more than the last few books. To say it was emotionally provoking is a understatement. We could see that even though Cat and Bones love each other deeply, doesn't mean they aren't going to have issues like any other married couple right? that marriage is pure bliss? well in this book, we see how challenges and circumstances can test you but also make one stronger. Cat and Bones are challenged in ways they haven't before, that affects their relationship but I do love a intense conflict, definitely tested my emotions, that's for sure. I found this story to be full of one exciting thrill after another. It could be very intense at times, and I was laughing at one moment, and then crying the next. It had the sense of being on a roller coaster ride, ups and downs with a sensual twist to get your heart rate up! A outstanding addition to a marvelous series. I am so addicted to this series, or anything really written by this author. Her style is so enthralling and keeps the reader on the edge. FANTASTIC!!

Photo of Amy Grieve
Amy Grieve@blossomamy
2 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Whenever I hear anything about Cat and Bones my heart melts. These two just make me feel so happy inside. So throughout this whole book their fighting and disputes were hard to read about. Every bad thing that happened to them made them stronger though. In this book I just wanted to give Cat and Bones a big hug. I felt that Cat grew up so much right in front of my eyes. I can only pray that Cat and Bone's next chapter will be less hectic, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Photo of taci
4.5 stars
Aug 28, 2023
Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
2 stars
Mar 25, 2024
Photo of Rianne van der Wiel
Rianne van der Wiel@rianne0401
5 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of Gwyn Dill
Gwyn Dill@gwyndill
4 stars
Dec 30, 2023
Photo of Rhiannon Mansfield
Rhiannon Mansfield@rhiannon
5 stars
Mar 24, 2023
Photo of Jasmine
4 stars
Jan 21, 2023
Photo of Monica Isabella
Monica Isabella@misabella16
5 stars
Jan 16, 2023
Photo of Marta Costa 🐰
Marta Costa 🐰@martacosta
5 stars
Jan 5, 2023
Photo of Vesselina
5 stars
Dec 22, 2022
Photo of Jessica Deaner
Jessica Deaner@jess1rph
5 stars
Nov 5, 2022
Photo of Sara Piteira
Sara Piteira @sararsp
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022
Photo of Ashley Janssen
Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea
3 stars
Oct 18, 2022
Photo of Nichole Ward
Nichole Ward@nikki2303
3 stars
Oct 6, 2022
Photo of Sarah S
Sarah S@toxikologie
2 stars
Oct 5, 2022
Photo of Toni pilato
Toni pilato@tinyytoes
4 stars
Oct 2, 2022
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Lila rose@lila_rose
5 stars
Sep 22, 2022
Photo of Ari Gold
Ari Gold@therealarigold
4 stars
Aug 18, 2022
Photo of Viviane
Viviane @90spowr
3 stars
Aug 16, 2022
Photo of Shereen Evans
Shereen Evans@fellexya
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022
Photo of Dawn Keiser
Dawn Keiser@savi_15
5 stars
Aug 11, 2022
Photo of Allison Garrett
Allison Garrett@bookish_insomniac
5 stars
Jul 24, 2022
Photo of Elizabeth Neill
Elizabeth Neill@beersbooksandboos
5 stars
Apr 29, 2022


Photo of taci

"Will somebody tell me what the hell is wrong with me?" Even as I shouted it, I couldn't quit licking my lips. That taste. It was so perfect. God, nothing had ever tasted half this good before! "You feed on undead blood."

Page 214

the perfect scenario for her

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"You just threw Crispin to the floor." I looked down. The corpse I'd flung away from me pushed himself into a sitting position and stared up at me with disbelieving brown eyes. A full, untouched bag of blood was in Bones's hand. That's when I became aware of my second problem. "Uh, guys.."' I began hesitantly. "Why do I still have a heartbeat?"

Page 212

are you kidding me?!? a vamp with a pulse

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He drew down his zipper even as I blinked in shock. "After all this, you still want to sleep with me?" Bones slid out of his pants. He didn't have anything on under them, as usual. "After all this, I still love you." That stunned me into silence. Then I spoke the first words that came into my mind. You mnust be crazy."

Page 201


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Saying I was sorry was useless. More than useless-insulting, considering everything that had happened. So I did the only thing I could do to show how much I wished things were different. I dropped my shields, opening my mind to let Bones hear everything I was feeling, stripping myself naked of all the things I normally used to rationalize my actions. He closed his eyes. A ripple went through him, as if my thoughts struck him like a physical blow. Once freed of the tight restraint I kept on them, everything seemed to tumble out of me, with long-hidden emotions frothing to the surface. "Kitten," he murmured. "I just wanted you to know I understand." The lump in my throat made it hard to speak. "You gave it your best, Bones. I'm the one who trashed things."

Page 201
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There was one thing guaranteed to douse my mood. "Why did you cheat on me, Bones?" He stopped. His top button was undone, but the zipper stayed up. "You truly believe I was unfaithful?" A rude snort came from me. "After seeing pictures, then Fabian's report, Cannelle's reminiscing, and hearing you admit it that night Geri pulled you out of New Orleans, yeah. I do." His gaze felt like it was drilling into the back of my head. "You saw pictures of me entering my home with women, but you didn't see what happened once the door shut. I'd gone to New Orleans under the pretense that I was celebrating my bachelorhood, hoping Gregor would take the bait. He did. Even sent Cannelle there, as if I were too stupid not to smell him on her. It was easy to drink her blood and convince her to report back to Gregor that I was defenseless in my debauchery. By the time Fabian confronted me, several of Gregor's spies were around. What was I supposed to say to him?"

Page 199


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All right, then," he replied at last. "TIll do it tomorrow." I'd almost sighed in relief when he spoke again. "On one condition." Figures. "What is it?" "Oh, nothing too taxing. You'll just have to share my bed tonight."

Page 196


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Marie, the Queen of Orleans, to side With him. Interesting. Cannelle shrugged. "Marie said Gregor could only ambush Bones outside her city, which was why she didn't let Gregor come with forces into the Quarter. Marie didn't want to participate in making Bones leave, either, but Gregor made her." "He forced her?" "Non, you misunderstand. He made her. "Twas his blood that raised her as a ghoul, and Gregor killed Marie's other sire the night he changed her, so her fealty was only to him. Gregor agreed to release Marie in exchange, and Marie's wanted free of Gregor for over a hundred years."

Page 169

what an interesting development

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"I know this is forward," Geri purred through my earpiece as the satellite showed her reaching Bones and his companion, Cannelle, "but after seeing the two of you gorgeous creatures, I can't decide who I want to fuck first."

Page 160

CANNELLE? sua bitch

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Photo of taci

"When Fabian found him, it was clear that Bones wasn't being held against his will. He, ah, indicated that he wanted Fabian to leave..would you pull yourself together, amigo?" This was presumably to the ghost, since I hadn't broken down. Yet. "Look, querida, Fabian said Bones was very harsh. Told him to sod off, or similar." I took a deep breath. "So you're saying he wanted to be left alone still. Did-did he say for how long? Did he say anything about me?" I couldn't help it; my voice cracked at the last question. My heart was racing, and I felt faint, but at least my legs were straight. "Sí." Juan sounded like he'd swallowed something rancid. "Fabian asked, 'How am I supposed to tell your wife this?' and Bones said..." Juan stopped. "Said what?" I almost screamed. "He said, I have no wife.'"

Page 147

I HAVE NO WIFE??? que idiota

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Photo of taci

"Bones, you know that isn't true!" I was anguished at the accusation. "I love you, you know that. And ifyou didn't know it, God, you could look for yourself and see "Only shadows," he ruthlessly interrupted. "Glimpses when your guard was down, when that bloody wall you hide behind wasn't blocking me. I have been open with you about all of me, even the worst of me, because I thought you deserved no less, but you don't hold me in the same regard. No, you reserved that for Gregor. You trusted him enough to leave everything at his word. Well, luv, I bow when I am beaten, and Gregor has defeated me in a grand style. He's the one you respect. He's who you trust, so if you're not leaving, I am.

Page 132

he is being SO UNFAIR

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Photo of taci

"Yes, chérie," he whispered. "We are together again." His mouth sealed over mine. Relief flooded me, and I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him back. Even as he held me tighter and I trembled with the memory of those last horrible moments when I'd thought Gregor was about to be killed, the rest of my life clicked into place. Bones. The emotions I felt for Gregor were buried under an avalanche. My memories of Gregor had wormed their way into my heart, true, but Bones already owned all that space. I turned away, cutting off Gregor's kiss. "No.

Page 122

yesss girllll

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"Catherine,"' he said, "you have been discovered. Even as we speak, Bones's allies are searching the city for you. If they find you, they will turn you into the monster I described." I was stricken. "Oh, please, don't let them! I don't want to be a killer. I don't want to-to become some kind of whore." For a split second, I'd have almnost sworn he looked triumphant. But then his forehead creased, and he shook his head. "There is only one way to prevent this, ma chérie. You mustt bind yourself to me. It is the only thing that can't be undone."

Page 115


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His mouth opened, and his hands came to life. They pressed me to him even as his tongue delved past my closed lips. All the sudden, I was lying on him, the chair tilting backward and Gregor kissing me like my mouth possessed hidden treasures. I liked kissing Gregor, even though it was overpowering. What had me grunting in protest was him lifting me with one powerful hand and then the mattress flattening against my back. "Gregor, wait." It was gasped when his mouth moved to my throat. Cool air fell on my legs, with my dress being shifted up.

Page 111


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I stared, thinking I must have misunderstood him. This was such a switch from how Gregor normally acted around me, I couldn't keep up. "You're saying you want to, uh, have sex with me?" He responded to my stunned whisper by yanking me to him. "Why do you think you're here? Why do you think I took you into my home, garbed you in lovely clothes, and spent day and night with you? I've been waiting for you to adjust to your new home, and I've been very patient, oui? Yet my patience is running thin. You are mine, Catherine, and I will have you soon. Very soon." I was at a loss for words. Sure, I'd been madly crushing on Gregor, but I hadn't been prepared to jump into bed with him. Tentatively, I smiled. "You're joking, right?" At once I knew I'd made a mistake. His brows drew together, stretching the scar, and his face darkened. "You mock me? I offer you what Cannelle would kill for, yet you smirk and giggle. Perhaps I should spend my time with a woman instead of a foolish child.

Page 108


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THE NEXT THREE WEEKS PASSED WITH AMAZING swiftness. Aside from Cannelle's continued snootiness and worrying about my family, I had to admit I'd never been happier. Gregor was wonderful to be around--as long as I didn't argue with him or challenge him with a differing opinion. I learned that fast. Who was I, a teenager, to argue with a thousand-year-old vampire who possessed powers and knowledge I couldn't even imagine? That was Gregor's favorite line when he was ticked. It was a good one, too. Ididn't have much to rebut it with. But when Gregor was in a good mood, it was heavenly. He'd listen for hours as I spoke about my insecurities growing up. He encouraged me to show my nonhuman traits, something I'd tried to hide as much as possible around my mother. Then he bought me clothes, shoes, and jewelry, overriding my protests by saying pretty girls should have pretty things.

Page 107

que lovely😒

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Photo of taci

"What you are, Catherine," he began, "is very rare. There are vampires in this world, as well as humans and ghouls, but there has only been one other known half-breed in all of history, and that was centuries ago. Because of your uniqueness, there are those who would exploit you. One man in particular would try to use you." "Who?" I gasped, feeling so alone at the knowledge that there was no one else like me. "And why?" "His name is Bones." Gregor almost spat the words. "He will force you to become a killer as he is. Turn you into a whore to lure his victims. Kill your family, so you will have no one but him to protect you. And you'll need protection, Catherine. After the life" atrocities he'll have you commit, you'll be running from danger for the rest of your life

Page 105

básicamente ele manipulou-a para eles se casarem

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