Star Wars Vector
Please note: This collection contains "Rebellion" Volume 4 ("Rebellion" #15-#16) and "Legacy" Volume 6 ("Legacy" #28-#31). "Vector" is an epic story with repercussions for every era and every hero in the "Star Wars" galaxy. Told in four chapters, this is the concluding volume. In chapter 3 ("Rebellion" Volume 4), Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia have to deal with "Vector" as it crosses their paths and changes the galaxy On the dark surface of a desolate moon, Luke meets his first Jedi since Obi-Wan Kenobi, only to realize too late that Celeste Morne is far different than his fallen friend--twisted by a Sith talisman and enraged by Darth Vader Then, over 135 years later, in the final chapter ("Legacy" Volume 6), Cade Skywalker's plan to assassinate Emperor Darth Krayt is aided by a "secret weapon" in the form of Celeste Morne--the Jedi Knight of the Old Republic who is in possession of, and possibly possessed by, the powerful Muur Talisman. Cade and Celeste will change the galaxy--for better, or for worse - The epic "Star Wars: Vector" story line spreads over four thousand years of history and crosses over four comic-book series--"Rebellion," "Knights of the Old Republic," "Dark Times," and "Legacy"