Angel Vol. 1 Being Human
BOOM! Studios, along with visionary writer and director Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel’s The Avengers), presents an all-new re-telling of the pop culture phenomenon Angel! Angel walks the line between two worlds; a vampire cursed with a soul, he’s spent centuries battling back the forces that would destroy humanity, in an attempt to redeem himself for the crimes committed by the monster he was when he was first turned. But now, on the trail of the most recent demonic uprising, he realizes that the redemption he seeks can only come with a price. Torn between his self-sworn mission to protect humanity and his desire to rid himself of his curse, he stumbles across the legend of a demon, a trickster who claims they can cure vampirisim and restore his humanity for a small cost: a sacrifice...a Slayer. Written by Bryan Hill (Detective Comics, Hulu’s Titans) with art from Gleb Melnikov. Discover a brand new, modern take on one of the best and broodiest vampires in pop culture, perfect for fans and new readers alike!

Deniz Erkaradağ@denizerkaradag
I liked the opening. Continuing with the series.

☽ jess ☾@hauntingjess
Why do I always forget how much I love Angel? I loooved the art style! Loved this little prequel

☽ jess ☾@hauntingjess
Actual Rating: 3.5 stars Why did that one move so fast? This art style is nice

Aleena Korell@aleena
4.5 stars. This volume stays very true to the tone and feel of the show, with enough of a fresh approach that it feels like it felt watching Angel for the first time. Artwork is beautiful and tonally perfect. Looking forward to the next one!

Sophie Elaina @sophieelaina

lea da silva@ellaskindness



Deniz Erkaradağ@denizerkaradag

Ramona Crumlish@ramonac



Kelly Gorman@dreadpiratekel

Yanni Wilson@aliterarymosaic