Blood & Vows

Blood & Vows

Never make a deal with the devil–especially if that deal entails holy matrimony. There’s only one rule my mother passed down to me before she died: Never venture into the east side of Edinburgh. I never questioned it. There are creatures in this world that could hurt us, she’d said. So, I stay away—until my life hits rock bottom, and I find myself curious about the forbidden side of the ancient city. It doesn’t seem all that different here–bars, clubs, restaurants. Just like the human side. One too many drinks later, he finds me. A silly poem and a whispered wish are all it takes for him to rip through the mirror between realms and pin me against a wall. Cruel, inhuman, cunning. A demon—an actual prince from hell. With horns. What could he possibly want from me? Marriage, apparently. Because as it turns out, Bloody Marius is dead serious about upholding his end of the deal.
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Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading
2.5 stars
Sep 27, 2022

Well that was quite disappointing imo.

Their relationship development was not done in a natural or believable way and honestly I didn’t care for them. Very forgettable

I also wish the spice was a bit better lol at least that since there’s no solid plot in there.

Photo of Pamela Larsen
Pamela Larsen@ebonink
3 stars
Jun 25, 2023
Photo of Mickey Benner
Mickey Benner@mbenner
5 stars
Nov 18, 2022
Photo of Nairne Denholm
Nairne Denholm @nairnedenholm
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022

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