Keep Her Safe A Novel

I really really loved He Will Be My Ruin but I felt like this one dragged on for a bit and became repetitive. I found myself skimming pages of information that I had guessed and it was good, but paled in comparison to He Will Be My Ruin. Still a good read though.

I picked this up because I really like the Burying Water series (especially Becoming Rain) but this book was nothing at all like it. The mystery was not interesting enough for me, like, yes I did want to know what had happened but would I suffer if i it didn’t? Probably not. The “romance” lacked every single think a romance should have. Noah and Grace has no chemistry whatsoever and a moment to other they are super mega in love ????? I don’t think I would have finished this if there wasn’t an electrical shutdown where I am at.

Keep Her Safe is a new K.A. Tucker story. It's a suspense story that will keep you on you toe. It starts off with Noah struggling with discovering his mother deepest secret. It's a heavy burden that he is determine to unravel and solve it. But it is going to be very complicated because it will be a huge scandal for Austin Police department. But he is determined to do so especially with the help of Gracie. Gracie may have struggled in life but she makes do. And she makes more do when she discover a break in her father death. She gets to partner with Noah that they get to discover a whole another secrets and lies when they unravel Austin Police department scandals. Keep Her Safe is good read if you are in the mood for slow pace. I definitely hope that they could have add more depth of the characters and chemistry so their relationship together. But overall, it is good slow pace read. Three Star

***received from Goodreads firstreads with thanks*** Wow....that was an intense ride! A great police procedural with a dash of romance, this novel has been a page turner from start to finish! Noah's mom, the current police chief Jackie Marshall, commits suicide. The question is why? What made her feel like there were no other options? She was highly respected, well liked. But appearances can be deceiving and we soon find out not all was as it seemed. Enter Grace. Grace has lived with her junkie mother in a slummy trailer park for the past 14 years, ever since her father, Abe Wilkes, was labeled as a corrupt cop after being shot and killed in what appeared to be a drug deal gone wrong. After Jackie's death, Noah is given an envelope from his mother with instructions. These instructions lead him to find the first clue in a 14 year old mystery. This story had so many twists and turns! Although some clues were fairly straight forward, others made me second and third guess my suspicions and even when I thought I had it all figured out, yet another wrench appeared in my solution. A great mystery to be stuck inside with on a freezing winter day!

I loved this book so much! When you think it’s over another things comes up and then another. What great writing! K.A. Tucker never disappoints me

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. I've loved K.A. Tucker's contemporary romance books since I first picked up Ten Tiny Breaths years ago. I always fall for her characters and get totally wrapped up in their storylines. I'm not a big romantic suspense reader — it takes a special author, book and/or series to get me interested in that trope — but I'm loving this different side of Kathleen's writing. Both He Will Be My Ruin and Keep Her Safe totally hit the mark for me. This book, y'all. Can you say addictive and unexpected? It was both to me. I used to read a fair amount of thriller/mystery/suspense type books when I was a teenager and I could almost always guess the ending about halfway through. I think that's part of the reason why I got a little sick of that genre. Well, that and I don't particularly enjoy having nightmares. Ha! Keep Her Safe totally kept me guessing nearly until the very end. Instead of getting more answers as I read, I kept getting more questions. That's just part of why I found it so addictive though. The characters were the other reason. I LOVED Noah. (So much, in fact, he was a late addition to my "best book boyfriends" list for 2017.) I basically just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be alright because he was saddled with so much during this book. Even in the midst of all he was learning and dealing with, he was somehow able to keep his head up and keep moving. And Gracie? Adored her, too. The chemistry between them was intense and damn near perfect if I'm being honest. There was something truly special about the two of them together. The romance might not've been the star of the show here, but it was a quality one. In short, Keep Her Safe was a fantastic book with enough twists and turns to keep me addicted but not make me absolutely crazy in the process. It also featured a swoony and steamy romance between characters who worked their way into my heart. I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. FAVORITE QUOTES It's easier to move on with life when you don't quite realize all that you've lost. I will be his buffer. I will stand by his side, in the hard weeks and months, and years, to come. I will challenge anyone who dares claim that he is anything but a good, honest man.

This book surprised me. I’ve read pretty much everything K.A. Tucker has written, so I’ve come to know her style well and I always know exactly what to expect from her stories. This one, however, shocked me. It wasn’t at all like any of her other books. This isn’t a bad thing at all either. I love seeing how an author can go in a totally different direction and still have it work. This is why I love KAT so much. Her writing just always gets me, regardless of the genre. KEEP HER SAFE is categorized as a romance suspense novel. After reading HE WILL BE MY RUIN, I must admit I was expecting a much faster-paced story with a ton of shockers. This story, however, is more of a slow burn mystery. It definitely kept me on my toes, trying to solve everything before it was revealed. (And I did guess something, which I was very proud of myself for because I never figure things out correctly lol) And to push it up another star for me, the ending was amazing. Perfect. Exactly what I had hoped for. Though this isn’t my favorite KAT read, it was still a solid four-star read for me. I truly enjoyed it and I definitely recommend checking it out. (Thank you to @atriabooks & @katucker_ for sending me this copy in exchange for my honest review. 💕)