Keeper of the Lost Cities

Keeper of the Lost Cities

At age twelve, Sophie learns that the remarkable abilities that have always caused her to stand out identify her as an elf, and after being brought to Eternalia to hone her skills, discovers that she has secrets buried in her memory for which some would kill.
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Photo of amelia <3
amelia <3@yourlocalbookaddict
5 stars
May 28, 2024

I decided to give this book a second chance i I LOVED IT

Photo of Christine
2 stars
Apr 2, 2024

things i liked: - grady and edaline - their animals things i didn't like: - pretty much everything else

Photo of Mahdis Riazikhah
Mahdis Riazikhah@mahdis1715
2 stars
Dec 25, 2022

DNF- pg 77

Photo of Colette McDermed
Colette McDermed@colette
3 stars
Sep 22, 2022

M m m mid. I've been told the series gets really good at book 4 so I'm gonna keep going.....

Photo of Turtle in a turtleneck
Turtle in a turtleneck@turtle
1 star
Aug 17, 2022

Okay, listen, if I wanted to read about a 12 year old that's so gosh darn pretty that 15 year olds get attached to her, I would watch another YouTube Gacha Life video. There's just no way that will ever happen. I'm sorry. Anyways, this is a legit review so let's go. Plot/World building : The plot is easy to follow, considering that it's target audience is 10-12, that's a good thing. So props to you:) I get why people find this a Harry Potter rip-off so I won't repeat anything. The whole big reveal that Sophie is an experiment (not a spoiler, it's literally in the first page) is cool and all and j can see why people like it. The thing I don't get is...why elves? I'm sorry, I know that they don't have pointy ears and long hair but that's what I've been picturing for like, half of the book. I needed to look at fanart to get that image out of my head. And that whole thing about Obviously, they hate us. I get it. There are just so many strange details that I feel are just stuffed in to make this series and world seem more interesting. Like the fact that dinosaurs have feathers and are vegetarian (I get the feathers thing but how do you explain the carnivorous teeth?), everyone works but they love it, elves are given 5 million (I forgot the word, basically, they rich). The economy will fall, I just can't wrap my head around that concept. Characters: Okay, there's so much I want to say. I'm not sure where to start. How about the fact that everyone is pretty and perfect and has blue eyes and are basically white? I'm 13 (yes, you read that right, thirteen) and majority of the books I read have a main white cast. Cool. Fine. I'm good. I'm find with the skin colour, but I can't get past the fact that most of them are blonde and have blue/teal eyes. Like...what? "But Sophie has brown eyes, doesn't she? Fitz and his fam has black hair!" I hear you saying, yes I know. But does it really count? They are still white, aren't they? Can we get some POCs. (not one that just dies in the middle of the story) Okay now let's nitpick each character Biana: basic best friend character, nothing about her stands out to me, go figure Marella: white best friend, really pretty, really petite, good for her. I don't understand what she has against females, I think when we first met, she said something about nor really befriending people. Is that supposed to be cool...or... Edaline and Grady: I like them. Honestly. The way they act and feel really portrays the pain and heartbreak of losing a child, of how a traumatic event can change people, even adults, drastically. I like that they are also trying to get past that break in their lives and help out another child. I applaud their courage and strength and really really love how they're written. Dex: For some weird reason, I thought he had dark hair. So guess how pissed I was when I found out he's blonde. He's the same age as Sophie so obviously he's going to end up with her...right? I can smell that friendzone from a mile away. Fitz: God bless him. My friends (who have read the entire series) has a hate club for him. I don't understand that hate but I just started reading this series. I find that the way he talked to Sophie at the start was kinda weird. Commenting on someone's eye colour isn't really a great way to start a conversation. Can I just say something about Sophie's crush on him? Sure, he's 15 but who am I to judge, I'm a bookworm, I'm here falling for people way older than me. But just the whole chemistry and relationship makes me feel weird...not sure why. Keefe: Playboy, Edward Cullen, Draco Malfoy, the stuff of whatever fangirls obsess over. My friends love him. I expected him to be this caring guy, boy was I wrong. It's so creepy how he can sense Sophie's feelings (those around Fitz must be awkward) and how he talks to people. He's the perfectlookingboythateverygirlandpossiblyguyslovebutofcoursehedoesntstudybecausestudyingisntcool. Just...nope. And now, last and definitely the most hated, Sophie Foster: Mary Sue, the Mary Sue of Mary Sues. She's 12 going on 13, the best looking girl (yes, I wonder who made that judgement) and incredibly flawless in all she does. I-what? Okay, I want to see some reasoning as to why so many like her, please tell me. To me, she's what every girl wants to be but let's be real, no one is. For starters, in the human world, she was offered a full scholarship to Yale (at 12! I was busting my ass getting a Direct Admission and crying over myself) (don't worry, I did it) and has a) photographic memory and b) a dying social life. If she can catch the eye of elves, I'm sure human boys will fall for her too, why is she an outcast? In Foxfire, every guy wants to get in her pants (still 12) and every girl hates her. Hey, boys that read this book, do you like her, I'm starting to think that I hate her because I'm a generic elf girl who is "just jealous". I can't with this brat. I just...can't. Okay, minor spoiler : you know that scene where they were deciding if Sophie should stay in Foxfire and every teacher's just like, "Well, she is perfect and blonde, thus all-knowing, she should get 100 percent for existing" Um...okay then. I was on a bus when reading that scene and I just shut the book and had the urge to smash a window and throw it out. YES I'm jealous. Look at me. Yes, look at me, I'm 13, guess what, I don't have boys tailing me and giving me gifts, I sit at the back of class with my group of friends and we just chill. I need to actually study and die everytime there's an exam while trying to keep everything else in check. I'm probably going to die in the next 50 years so why am I even bothering. Mary Sues glorified in books don't help my case. Did I enter this book knowing she's a Mary Sue? Yes. So why did I read it? Because my other friend and I made a deal. She reads two books I choose for her and I read two of hers. She chose this book and exile. While I gave her Six of Crows and A Darker Shade of Magic. I really lost a bet there. Thank you for listening to me, I have so much more to say but I'm tired and dreading the day I pick up Exile. Good day, beautiful people, I'm going to bed.

Photo of Julie Janis
Julie Janis@juliejanisbooks
5 stars
Aug 15, 2022

So I'm not much of a MG reader, but ever since I heard about this book from Regan at peruseproject on Booktube, I had a feeling I was really going to like it...and I really did! The reason I'm giving this book such a high rating are for the same reasons as Percy Jackson (one of my favorite fandoms). The plot isn't the most elaborate or mind-blowing (well for a MG reader maybe) and the themes in it aren't gut punching, but the CHARACTERS are amazing, and characters in my book win over everything else. They are so lovable and they were the reason I kept reading when over half the book is just about Sophie getting used to a new school. I DEVOURED this book! This was exactly what I needed after reading some heavy fantasy books. I can't wait to dive into this series and get to know the characters more! Highly recommend for anyone who wants a fun, easy-to-read book!

Photo of H. Kamran
H. Kamran@hkamran
5 stars
Aug 14, 2022

** spoiler alert ** Sophie Foster thinks she's an ordinary human, except for the fact the she can hear people's thoughts. Soon, she learns that she is an elf, people look-alikes with "abilities". She goes to Foxfire. She finds friends. She finds other talents she possesses. Then, she's kidnapped. Will she be rescued?

Photo of Livia
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

I initially wanted to wait until I can buy the whole set of the physical copy of this series. I have been waiting for months. But I opened Pinterest and I saw fan arts of this series, so I just know I have to read it now, as soon as possible. So I ended up picking up the ebook. Let me tell you, it was worth it. The book follows Sophie, a prodigy who is very, very smart, has telepathic ability, and also has a photographic memory (don’t we all want those abilities). She was found by Fitz, who told her that she’s not a human, but an elf. Fitz brought her to the elf world, where she realized many things, but specifically how the laws of the world worked was a far cry than what she had known in the human world. As Sophie spends more time in the academy for people like her, she starts to realize how special the extent of her abilities are, and how she came to be the way she is. What I really love about this book is that it’s not about fairies, witches, warlocks, all that kinds of creatures. We’re following along elves, and I’m actually glad that it’s not the sort of elf we have always come to know, with pointy ears and other mainstream descriptions. They have different sorts of magical abilities, and it is fascinating to follow each person’s manifest different abilities. I also like how this focuses on familial relationships and how one could grow into loving and accepting someone as your own family. I also love Keefe and Fitz. Sophie was slightly insufferable and the way she was written as the typical ‘I’m not like other girls’ and ‘the chosen one’ kind of protagonist was definitely something we have seen many times. But I was going into this to have fun and to not criticize and judge this book harshly and objectively, and the plot was genuinely so fun to follow. I like how we were shown the students attending school and learning, not just being told about them doing so. I already have the urge to binge the rest of the series, but I want to savor this series at a reasonable pace and read two to three books per month, and that’s what I’ll be doing. 3.75/5 stars

Photo of Cynthi
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

3/5 stars I didn’t care for the characters. They all acted like children. I liked Sophie’s development. By the end she was made mature but still had her moments. I like the plot. It’s just kinda slow. Like good interesting stuff is happening but it’s not like blood-pumping omg until the end and then it’s only a couple chapters. I liked the part with Grady and his wife. I love them.

Photo of ak
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

Good as always. Love Sophie

Photo of Sophie
5 stars
Jun 5, 2022

I love Sophie’s story. Sophie and Keefe are the best and you can’t change my mind. This book is SO SO SO beautiful. I re-read it like 10 times.

Photo of nara davies
nara davies@narara
5 stars
Mar 12, 2022

honestly one of my favourite series. i borrowed it from a friend and avoided reading it for awhile, as the first few chapters are always fairly slow, but now i just can't get enough! im still yet to finish it but im OBSESSED, it's practically a Harry Potter x Trylle Trilogy mix. i would pay thousands to feel the way i felt the first time i read this, and i would 100% recommend. one of my favourite reads.

Photo of Flavia Louise
Flavia Louise@flaviaaalouise
4 stars
Mar 7, 2022

This was an interesting read and I am planning on continuing with the series. It took me a long time to read this first book because I read it through Kindle Unlimited in a 3-month subscription and I never really prioritized it, I only ended up finishing it now that the subscription is almost over. Yeah...

Photo of Florencia Sime
Florencia Sime@fleursime
3 stars
Feb 17, 2022

** spoiler alert ** I was expecting a plot twist, can u imagine if alden was a bad guy??? He got the potencial tbh, if someone have read all the books pls spoil me if he is a bad guy or he is just alden cuz i don’t think i am continuing this saga if there is not a plot twist like that or something else big.

Photo of Cindy Lee
Cindy Lee@cinderblock
5 stars
Jan 4, 2022

You can also read this review here. Rating: A+ Just going to start off by saying, I LOVE THIS.. Like really.. <3 Now that's out of the way.. Let's go with the reasons I love this.. 1. Sophie = finding about new life as an elf (yeah, an elf) 2. Fitz and Keefe :") 3. Adventure 4. Kinda MG.. reminds me of Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Starting with #1, Sophie is the kind of heroine that I like. She's strong and tries her best to fit in to her new world. There was only one thing that bothered me about her. She's just too... perfect, y'know? She has the smarts, graphic memory, best abilities ever among elves, and all the boys seem to drool over her. Too perfect if you ask me. #2 is Fitz and Keefe. OMG.. Fitz and Keefe are just so awesome. Fitz (Wonderboy) is so drool-worthy :3 Kinda weird since they're all 12/13 somewhere there. I think Fitz is crushing on Sophie but I'm not sure.. Meh.. I wanna know! =>~<= Keefe is just so charming and funny. Haha, life's never dull with Keefe there! He just tease people like crazy lol :) Keefe reminds me of my friend (who's a guy too) except my friend is way weirder.. #3: Adventure. Are you kidding me? This aspect of the book is flipping awesome. With Sophie going to see the doctor nearly every single day, it's kind of funny haha. Sophie will be best friends with the doctor definitely. And it's crazy the stuff these guys go through. All about finding out about Sophie's past/Black Swan/ everblazing fire and stuff. MYSTERIOUS.. You may now ooh and ahh ;) #4: Reminds of Percy Jackson + Harry Potter. Percy Jackson is the first series I've ever read.. which is also the books that ever got me into reading like a fanatic. This book doesn't dwell too heavily on the romance like the YA books. It certainly has MG aspects in it. Reminds me of PJ and HP because it's about their crazy lives and not about "ooh.. I wonder if he likes me.." <-- That sounds kind of stupid and girly, doesn't it? The only thing that would make me dock 0.5 points off is its similarity to Harry Potter. Some of the main characters I can match them with someone from HP. The plot lines are different but still.. Certain parts of the world this author has created is too much like HP. It's just like it's elves instead of wizards. Even though this is kind of similar to Harry Potter, you should definitely give this a try. Actually, I liked this better than Harry Potter.. (wasn't that big of a fan anyways). So all of you people out there, GIVE THIS A TRY, MAN. YOU WON'T REGRET IT. So I'm going to leave you guys with this quote ;) "Ready for more siren song?" Sir Conley asked. "You have no appreciation for art or nature," he grumbled, clapping his hands. An earsplittingly shrill whine -- part whale song, part nails on a chalkboard, with just the right amount of toddler screaming-- reverberated through the room. "Uncover those ears--I am broadening your horizons, and you will listen to every note!"

Photo of soph
4 stars
Dec 24, 2021

no rep??? why???

Photo of Charlotte Rayfield
Charlotte Rayfield@rollingwheelsandbooks
3 stars
Dec 13, 2021

3.5 our of 5 stars. Solid read ☺️ Will pick up the rest ❤️

Photo of Lucie P
Lucie P@lulupn
4 stars
Dec 8, 2021

Just a reread but aaaahhh comfort book <333

Photo of Hasmik Gyulumyan
Hasmik Gyulumyan@hasmik
5 stars
Dec 6, 2021

Երկար փնտրտուքներից հետո էս գրքի մասին հայերենով ոչինչ չգտա (( Երևի շատ քիչ հայեր են կարդացել էս շատ լավ ու հետաքրքիր գիրքը, դրա համար էլ հայերենով իրա մասին բան չկա գրած: Իսկ ինչու՞ չլինել առաջինը։ Ու ես կգրեմ. Ուրեմն՝ ընտիր, թույն, հավես, հետաքրքիր գիրք էր։ Ճիշտ ա մեկ-մեկ Հարրի Փոթերին էի նմանացնում, բայց էդ բան չի փոխում, որովհետև էս գիրքը Հարրի Փոթերից շատ եմ սիրել ) Ընդհանրապես, գրքի բոլոր կերպարներին շատ եմ սիրել։ Իսկ էն գաղտնիքները, որ բացահայտում են գրքում ինձ պահել են լարվածության մեջ։ Հիանալի գիրք, էնպես որ խորհուրդ կտամ բոլորին ))

Photo of Luna
3 stars
Dec 4, 2021

the plot & atmosphere are really fun but the ideas rooted in this book were a little ... gross. 1) the protagonist body-shames everyone 2) the protagonist treats everyone that’s trying to help her like crap 3) a relationship between a 12 y/o and a 15 y/o?? i was hoping these were just some ~weird~ 2012 elements but seeing that the author lives in socal, i’m guessing it’s going to keep this creepy underlying tone. i think i’ll still try the next book because i love the magical school trope and some of the characters when they’re not acting weird around children, but i’m 100% prepared to dnf it if it gets worse (especially if that creepy as hell relationship develops).

Photo of Hannah Alexander
Hannah Alexander @reviews_a_latte
5 stars
Nov 22, 2021

So I love this book soo much I started this series last year and I was Worried because my friend was so excited about it and we have a little bit of a different book taste so I didn’t think I would like it very much but I was soo wrong this book is soo great! I like to read romantic books every so often but I like it better when it’s a series and there’s a little love mixed in with the books and that’s exactly what the series is! So if you’re looking for something with a little love in it but a story you should totally read the series!!

Photo of Josee Blanchard
Josee Blanchard@joseebookshelf
5 stars
Nov 20, 2021

Soooo good, if you have always been intrested in Middle grade, but not sure if you will like it, i hated middlegrade but this series is one of the best!! a 5 Stars 100% ... LOVE THIS GEM

Photo of laura
5 stars
Nov 20, 2021

I really adored where this book and what happened. I really loved what characters this book focused on and they have not been the characters that got much love the past couple of books. I also really enjoyed the use of cliffhangers throughout the book to keep me guessing. I also loved how some of the long simmering questions have been answered and this world is beyond complex and I love it. I really am dying for book 8.5. I love this world and these characters so much!

Photo of laura
4 stars
Nov 20, 2021

I thought this was magical start to a new series. I have had this book on my shelves for so long and I am so happy I gave it shot. I found this book to be fast pace story. I really loved the main character and by the end felt so connected to her. I felt that the first 50 pages introduced you to so many characters and sometimes i got a bit confused about who was who, but I was happy to solve most o fly issues by going back. I adored the world building in this book so much. I felt that some of the "elements" and twists were predictable but then so other twists really shocked me. I really loved the balance between adults and children characters. I felt the mystery was super compleling and I am def reading book 2 ASAP!!

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