Be a Great Boss: The Hill Collection (4 Items)

Be a Great Boss: The Hill Collection (4 Items)

This digital collection, curated by Harvard Business Review, offers seminal ideas by leadership expert and Harvard Business School professor Linda A. Hill. It includes three of her most popular books—Becoming a Manager, Being the Boss (coauthor), and Collective Genius (coauthor)—as well as the influential 2011 Harvard Business Review article, “Are You a Good Boss—or a Great One?,” which Hill coauthored with Kent Lineback. Hill is an in-demand teacher and mentor to professionals worldwide on the topics of managing change, cross-organizational relationships, global strategy, innovation, talent management, and leadership development. This collection offers the best reading on how to be an effective leader and a better boss—resulting in enhanced personal and professional success and a better-performing organization. All four works included in the set are influential in the field of leadership and have been embraced by practitioners everywhere, who use Hill’s advice to become better at what they do. Linda A. Hill is Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and the faculty chair of its Leadership Initiative. She has chaired numerous executive education programs at the school. Hill serves on numerous boards of directors, boards of trustees, and advisory boards, and her work and ideas are featured regularly in international media.
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