Poison Dance

Poison Dance

James is skilled, efficient, and deadly, a hired blade navigating the shifting alliances of a deteriorating Assassin's Guild. Then he meets Thalia, an alluring but troubled dancing girl who offers him a way out-if he'll help her kill a powerful nobleman. With the Guild falling apart, it just might be worth the risk. But when you live, breathe, and love in a world that's forever flirting with death, the slightest misstep can be poison. Poison Dance is approximately 14,000 words long, or 54 printed pages. The paperback version of Poison Dance also includes two deleted scenes and two behind-the-scenes articles from the author on writing James's character. Excerpt: He handed her a stiletto the length of her hand and molded her fingers around the handle. Her hands were slender and her nails were delicately rounded, though her palms were calloused. The two of them stood in the cramped space between his bed and the window, holding the blade between them. "You can wear this dagger under your sleeves. Then, when you get your chance..." James guided the knife toward his own throat. "Go for the neck-the blood vessels and the windpipe. You'll have to be close for that. Quick." He lowered the stiletto until its tip grazed his neck just above his collarbone. Her eyes widened, and she looked to his face. He smiled and tightened his hands around her wrist. "Never let your guard down. Never trust anyone, and never leave yourself vulnerable." "What if I'd surprised you just now? I could have been sent by someone to kill you." "You wouldn't have." She arched her eyebrow. "I wouldn't have killed you?" "You wouldn't have surprised me." He continued. "You have to be aware. If someone is this close to you, holding a weapon, you need to be on your guard. I'm watching your eyes, your shoulders. I'm aware of how you're standing, where your balance is. If you tighten your muscles to strike, I'll feel it in your arm. You should be doing the same with me." Her eyes were cautious as she took in what he said. And he watched her look down, taking in his arms, the angle of his chest. Her gaze went inward and her lips fell slightly open as she tried to get a feel for his balance. Standing as close as they were, he could smell a light perfume on her skin. Thalia seemed to remember herself. She disengaged her wrist and backed away. "What makes a lass like you into a killer?" he asked. She shot him an annoyed look, and the tension left the room. "I didn't hire you to delve into my past." "Are you sure you want to do this? It changes you, you know, your first kill." A smile touched her lips, a hint of a challenge. "You're quite determined to have me think this over. Do you regret your first kill?" It was an interesting question, and he gave it some thought. "No," he finally said. "I regret not having done it sooner." "Who was it?" She tilted her head in anticipation of a tale. "Some Red Shield?" "My father." He smiled when her eyes widened. "I'll make you a deal. You can keep your secrets, and I'll keep mine." "Fair enough." In another moment, she was all business again. "So if I want to cut his throat, I have to get in close to him." "It's the only way. You can't beat him in a fair fight." She turned away. "I know I'm not as strong as a man." He shrugged. "And you never will be. But I killed grown men before I came of age. If you can't rely on strength, you rely on stealth. Surprise is your strongest asset, so make sure the first time kills." He paused. "If you kill him while he's alone, you might be able to escape. If there are others with him, you won't. Either way, you're just as likely to die from this venture as your mark. You know that, right?" "I do." Her voice was level, but he thought he caught a flash of despair in her eyes. What secrets was she holding that would drive her to do this? But that was her business.
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Photo of Vilde
3 stars
Jul 25, 2022

Received in exchange for a review with the author.

Photo of Catarina
4 stars
Dec 14, 2021

Poison Dance is a prequel novella for Midnight Thief , the author's YA debut scheduled for July 2014. It tells the story of James, an assassin working for the Assassin's Guild who finds himself wanting the leave the Guild, and Thalia, a dancer who can facilitate the means to his departure, if only he helps her on a mission of vengeance. I'm a big fan of high/epic fantasy, so I was definitely intrigued with Midnight Thief's premise. And Poison Dance was the perfect way of quenching my thirst, yet having me yearning for more. James and Thalia are such interesting characters, and I was engaged in their tale. James is an assassin for hire, but as the Guild's leadership changes, he finds that he isn't very eager to work for the new leader, and makes plans to leave the city. His backstory, his motives to become an assassin, his group of friends and his cool-headed, clever personality helped to flesh out his character and made me want to get to know him better. It's pretty obvious who he is, reading Midnight Thief's description, and Poison Dance was a good way to understand how he came to be in that position. Thalia, though, was the star of the story for me. Driven by revenge, she mourns the loss of a loved one. She is focused on one purpose only: she wants a chance to get close to her mark, and she asks James for help in order to achieve it. Her story broke my heart, and made me wish for a different ending than the one I suspected was coming. I admired her stubborness and her drive to achieve her goal, and I kind of wanted more scenes with her and James, because their relationship was just full of possibilities. The only problem I had with this novella is one I personally have with many short stories and novellas: I wanted more. It's hard to walk the fine line between captivating the reader's attention and keeping the story short, but I think the author did a decent job in that aspect, though. What I missed the most was a bit more of worldbuilding. There are only a few things about the Assassin's Guild and how the city works, and it wasn't enough for me to get a good mental picture of this world. But I understand worldbuilding is the hardest part to introduce in a short story, so I'll just wait for Midnight Thief to get my fix. The secondary characters were developed sufficiently to get me invested and keep the story going, and I would like to meet again James' friends in the sequel. The writing was good enough to keep me engaged, but I'll defer to Midnight Thief to give me a, say, better picture of it. The ending, well, wasn't really a surprise for me, since everything pointed towards it, but I don't think that that was the point... it was, though, emotionally poignant, and knowing what would happen didn't soften the blow for me. I did want to see James's reaction better explored, to painstaking detail even. (What can I say, I like to suffer with the characters.) Long story short (ha!), Poison Dance was an interesting prequel, one that kept my interest and introduced me satisfyingly to this world. I loved to meet the characters, and I was left begging for more. I will be eagerly anticipating Midnight Thief's release. I received an electronic review copy from the author in exchange for an honest opinion of the book. This has in no way affected my thoughts on the book.

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