The Somerset Girls

Gosh, I am truly a sucker for any animal romance book. Like I absolutely have to read that romance book if the character owns a dog or have a farm. Like how can I resist? So I started reading The Somerset Girls. The Somberset Girls have two stories in one. Let’s talk about the first one, Autumn. Autumn is truly a sweet women. And she has wonderful qualify that anyone would be lucky to have her. But I truly wish that she had a little backbone when it comes across with her sister. I truly did not enjoy sister endless comments. There is nothing for Autumn to change. She is perfect how she is, and her man definitely agrees. I enjoy their slow romance. It’s truly perfect for them because they both have some baggage but who doesn’t. And now for Ember, Autumn sister. I truly hope that I would like her but I could not. Like I fully did not get into her. I wish they had expand more to her. All I got was she is too self-absorb and does not care for her sister boundaries. Boundaries are very important. I definitely get annoy whenever someone does not respect that. Ember does not. I wish she could have redeemed herself but her story was too short.