
I think I've outgrown Chuck Palahniuk. When I first read Invisible Monsters, I was enchanted and disturbed and I loved it. Followed it up with Fight Club, another satisfying read. After a few years, I read Survivor and it was... fine. And now this was just kind of the equivalent of this: Bye Chuck!

Despicable. I would fight chuck

I wanted to rate it four stars but I was zoning out at times


No creo que sea la mejor obra de Palahniuk. Me gustó mucho la historia pero no logró tomar toda mi atención como lo hizo Monstruos Invisibles. Si no has leìdo un libro de Chuck, este es un buen libro pero no es el mejor para ser el primero que leas.

What a crazy book. Social commentary along with psychedelic narrative, this is a funny, tragic ride.

4.5 This was my first venture into Palahniuk's writing, and boy was it a ride. It was the first book I've read in awhile where I truly was shocked about the themes and events that occurred in the book. It was such a fun mix of macabre, dark humor, and social commentary. I would not recommend for those that have a weak stomach. For those that are interested in how a culling song, anti-consumerism, crib death, and magic intertwine for a modern day Roman Gothic novel, I recommend you should check it out.

I like it ... I really do. It's so absurd and crazy and full of surprises. Narrated in a mumbling, sleepwalking, self-nihilating tone of a man who was so fed up with his life, I saw this a pitchblack comedy more than a horror tale of curses, black magic and witchcraft. Weird as fuck, gimmicky (to the poin of being a hipster magnet) and definitely not everyone's cup of tea.

Childish prose, multiple formatting/spelling errors (maybe just the fault of the ebook, but still), stilted strange pov writing that didn't serve any specific purpose or breed any real atmosphere in the book... Just boring and dare I say a little cringe worthy at multiple points. Unable to handle the subject matter that it brings up in an intelligent or meaningful way. Short, unbelievable sentences. Some scenes could have been interesting but always feel short. Strange transmisogyn is present barely beneath the surface of the latter half but never addressed head on or thoroughly examined. Characters felt flat and barely skin deep. Never cracked open and wholly examined or interrogated. Boring. I kept reading giving it a chance to become something and it kept disappointing me.
Overall; a juvenile attempt at telling a Deep, Twisted story where people are Fucked Up, and wouldn't it be So Sick if you could Kill by Thinking..but you were also Tortured by your Past. Woah.

As any work of Palahniuk, there are so many layers to this book. Its an entertaining story but it's also a social critique to our so called free will, hopes and dreams, are they really our own?