
Rose Stanley@roseofoulesfame
So...I don't think this is the graphic novel for me. Exhibit A: Rather than engaging with the plot, I found myself making the following mental notes... Zuras is Zeus Thena is Athena Sersi is Circe Makkari is Mercury (presumably Hermes was too difficult to find a new cool name for) Ajak is Ajax (not supernatural but has super strength so he can stay) Ikaris is Icarus (not supernatural in any way, famous for sucking at flight, but ok whatever I guess) Sprite is...a sprite? Who exactly is Druig supposed to be? Maybe I'll get on better with 1602 I don't know.

Patrick Book@patrickb


James Dziemianzuk @jamesdz

Andrea Pozo@andrepora

Kyle Curry@kcurry24

Dario Santos @dario

Marius Masalar@marius

Felix Jamestin@felixjamestin

Mariane Ferrantino @marfer

Aimee Joy@bluehairedbibliophile

Mahogany Skillings@bibliogeekgirl

Nat Welch@icco

Sol Perez Gizzi@shakespearean_mess

Jéssica Canais@jarrli

Kireth Sandhu@lifeofkarrot