
This wasn't what I was expecting, I was a little disappointed in the ending, but I enjoyed it well enough!

More of a social commentary than a novel, but interesting nonetheless.

I read all of this in hopes of getting that Sidney Parker content, only for him to be mentioned a few times and appear 8 paragraphs before the end of Austen's manuscript. My disappointment is immeasurable but I cannot fault Jane for she passed before she could write more. Thank every single god for the show and I'm hoping a second season happens, because I cannot live in a world where Sidney & Charlotte aren't endgame. As the manuscript stands, it's very charming and Charlotte is a darling protagonist.

Why did Jane Austen have to die before she finished this! As an avid Austenite, I am so in love with this unfinished work. I could see Austen's improvement- I know I didn't think it was possible!-as a writer. There was so much description laced with humor and frameworks for I know what would have been fascinating characters. I wonder how Austen's work would have adapted to the ever growing Industrial Revolution on the horizon and I was wondering why Ms. Lambe was "half mulatto" - was Austen intending to comment on race and the slave trade? So many unanswered questions!


Adieu, dearest of friends. May the next gouty attack be more favourable. And may you always regard me as unalterably yours

Those women are inexcusable who forget what is due to themselves and the opinion of the world.

But without pretending to decide it, I may say that there are some circumstances which even women cannot control. - Female economy will do a great deal my Lord, but it cannot turn a small income into a large one.

Poverty is a great evil, but to a woman of education and feelingit ought not, it can- not be the greatest - I would rather be a teacher at a school (and I can think of nothing worse) than marry a man I did not like."