
There are so many retellings of Hades and Persephone its hard to keep up at this point so I’ll keep it as short as i can. The book did a good job at world building and even building characters. I feel like some authors really struggle with giving the Gods different personalities but this book did that well. I feel like Hades’ character development was written well too, overall I enjoyed that aspect of things. then, we meet Persephone. Id like to say I don’t like her character for specific reasons, but I truly don’t have any. we were given nothing to know about her besides the fact that she was blonde and a journalist. I wouldn’t go as far to say that her character was annoying, but she was riding that line. Its not until the very end of the book that we learn basic things about her. Its really frustrating when the entire book they’re supposed to be falling in love yet the readers are given nothing to work with. I havent read Persephone’s book yet, so hopefully it clears things up and i see more of that. ultimately I wish we could have seen more of Hades & Persephone actually interacting, instead of the plot-line with a random mortal I had troubles caring about.

I recently got into Hades x Persephone retellings and have became obsessed with them! The spiciness has me blushing lol! Very much recommend this book! I also really love the his and her point of views. Those are honestly my favorite types of books!

Does more spice mean more stars? Yes, for me in this case it does.

Hades POV Well here’s everything that was happening behind the scenes of ATOD and Persephone’s story. It’s interesting to see what was going on with Hades as the two fall in love. I love Hecate and Hades relationship, and Hermes being his mischievous self ( especially when he gets summoned to help Hades dress for his casual evening with Sephy- pure gold!)

My love for Scarlett St Clair books is no secret. I read ATOD (hades x persephone saga), when I heard Hades had a POV, I thought, well I don’t necessarily need to read them… boy was I WRONG! My husband badgered me about reading Hades POV and I am SO happy I did. Reading what Hades was up to and how he pictured Persephone and how she made him feel 😍🥵

Hades is the morally grey ancient man of my dreams 🫡
Loved reading Hades’ perspective bc you get so much more insight to the lore and politics and the relationships between the different gods and goddesses. This was a very fun read.

4.5/5 - give me more Hecate scenes

why am i addicted to these hades and persephone retellings?

I really don't know what to rate this book? It isn't my favourite, but it wasn't the worst book either.

Totally worth it to read hades’ perspective, but I still loved Persephone’s account

a very lovely book, wonderful showing of hades pov

Hades POV Well here’s everything that was happening behind the scenes of ATOD and Persephone’s story. It’s interesting to see what was going on with Hades as the two fall in love. I love Hecate and Hades relationship, and Hermes being his mischievous self ( especially when he gets summoned to help Hades dress for his casual evening with Sephy- pure gold!)

Menthe is absolutely hilarious. Like girl... chill

When I got this from the library I didn't realize this was "A Touch of Darkness" from Hades perspective. I think I missed out on half of the story because of not having read the other series. Even though this is the case, I enjoyed this book. I loved how OBSESSED Hades was with Persephone. 10/10 hotness.

I loved being able to see the relationship from Hades side. It added a layer of complexity to their connection.

3.5/5 Rating. "Because I feared exposing the truth of my heart—that I have always desired to love and be loved"

I like that is was from hades pov. It gave you an insight of why he felt the why he does.

POV do Hades o que é muito bom para entender mais sobre os deuses e as suas reuniões. Para além de ter muito mais Hermes e Hecate que são só as melhores personagens secundárias de sempre. É bom mas em termos de história, não é super diferente de ATOD mas é muito mais divertido e fluido de ler, acho que enriquece muito - acho que até prefiro a versão dele.

I’m going to be honest, if you’re reading this book for a plot line… walk away. Put it down. If you’re reading this for the smut and the constant talk of wanting to dick Persephone down, this is the book for you. 😉

This was a super interesting book. I was particularly fascinated by the parallel storyline’s that were going on even though Persephone had no idea. I also really enjoyed getting to know hades more and getting his point of view. Hercate and Hermes were incredible, I love Hermes so much!

There are so many retellings of Hades and Persephone its hard to keep up at this point so I’ll keep it as short as i can. The book did a good job at world building and even building characters. I feel like some authors really struggle with giving the Gods different personalities but this book did that well. I feel like Hades’ character development was written well too, overall I enjoyed that aspect of things. then, we meet Persephone. Id like to say I don’t like her character for specific reasons, but I truly don’t have any. we were given nothing to know about her besides the fact that she was blonde and a journalist. I wouldn’t go as far to say that her character was annoying, but she was riding that line. Its not until the very end of the book that we learn basic things about her. Its really frustrating when the entire book they’re supposed to be falling in love yet the readers are given nothing to work with. I havent read Persephone’s book yet, so hopefully it clears things up and i see more of that. ultimately I wish we could have seen more of Hades & Persephone actually interacting, instead of the plot-line with a random mortal I had troubles caring about.

I was very pleasantly surprised by this book, I really enjoyed it and it was interesting to see what Hades was up to In between his interactions with Persephone from the first book, I loved the exploration of Orpeheus and Eurdyice and the play on the King of Corinth, and even the hint of Helios. I can't wait for a Hephastus and Aphrodite book, I hate the way aphrodite just won't admit her feelings for her husband... I really enjoyed this and I can't wait to read the next one. As always the spice is 🌶🌶🌶 and I will always be a fan of Scarletts writing 💕

Hades is everything. Loved hearing a little more of this lovestory.

Very entertaining! I lived for the Hades/Hecate exchanges and got lots of insight into some subplots that were more interesting than I expected!

“Don’t ruin this for me. I might be dreaming, but I’m about to live out one of my top five fantasies—”
Hades slapped the god, who looked shocked. “This isn’t a dream, Hermes.”
They stared at one another, and in the silence, Hades raised a brow. “Top five, huh?”
Hermes lifted his chin and cleared his throat. “What did you need?"
“First, I think we can agree that neither one of us will disclose what goes on here tonight?”
The god’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. “Oh my gods, I really am dreaming.”
“Hermes!” Hades snapped.
LMAO I love Hermes

But Persephone, she had the ability to create life.
Real life.
He could sense it within her, the powerful core of her being, caged by disbelief.
There would come a day when flowers would bloom in her presence, when her breath would call the wind, when her tears would turn to storms. She would shake the earth and build kingdoms from the rubble.
And he would stand by and watch—a husband, her king.

There was a beat of silence where Hades wrestled with every demon inside him. This fear was irrational, but it told him something important.
If the Fates did take her away, the world would not survive.

“She asked Zeus for a divorce. He will not grant it.”
“Is that what you want?” Hades asked. “A divorce?”
He watched the god’s profile—the way his jaw clenched and his fingers curled at the sound of the word.
The God of Fire looked at Hades then, his brows drawn together, and there was a sincerity within his eyes Hades had never perceived before. “I want her to be happy.”
They have to end up happy together by the end of the series

She probably thought her invitation to tour his realm would be revoked after her behavior, but it was important, now more than ever. It was the only way she would see him for who he was.
A god desperate for peace.

Hades glared at Hermes, who was now holding a cattle prod. Suddenly, it sparked, making a terrible clicking sound. The god yelped and dropped it immediately.
Hades raised a brow. Sometimes, it was hard to remember that Hermes was actually a skilled warrior.
“What?” he challenged. “It scared me!”
I think Hermes is my fav character in the series haha

Persephone had changed him. She had made him want things he'd never wanted before, like a life that offered a little more simplicity. He wanted walks and picnics and burnt cookies. He wanted to laugh and to never go to bed alone again.

"Helios can threaten darkness all he likes, but he forgets that I am the darkness. It answers to me."
Okay babe 🫡

He was not doing a good job focusing on the words coming out of her mouth. The only one he really heard was we, and she kept using it.
The yearning 🫠😩

He did not understand. Why was she building this mundane life in the Upperworld, when she could have anything? Everything?
Makes no sense I’d like to live in a castle in an ancient realm and she’s SQUANDERING it

The God of the Dead, hopeful for love, and yet he could not help it.

DAMN! This is a great quote from the back cover of the book!

How are my boys, huh?
Hades with his dogs is fucking adorable!!!

"And you think you can give her that? King of Death and Darkness?" “I think she can take it for herself" he replied and vanished. leaving Demeter alone with her fury,
YASS Hades finally a part of hades that I truly like. The fact that he didn’t even hesitate when he just counter with Demeter. Love it

No! Because she won't understand, just like you don't understand. I know human nature. And before you spout off about being immortal, I will tell you that love — falling in love, being in love, heartbreak— it’s all the same no matter your blood”
again Hecate being queen and shouting truths !!

"On second thought..." he said, and teleported to the only place he could to find a dress--Hecate's cottage. When he arrived, the goddess sat at her table, a suite of cards spread before her. She didn’t look at Hades as she spoke. “On the bed” He turned and found a green peplos waiting. He gathered the fabric and turned to Hecate. “ have I told you that you’re the best?” “I will note the date and time,” she said “ And remind you every chance I get”
Okey, the one AND ONLY goddess who is close at deserving Persephone in this book is HECATE !!! Like come on she is the best friend ANYONE wants.