
4 stars, because there were some real gems in here. Also, I can't decide if the last story was really serendipitous or a really bad coincidence. {The last story was a about a world where fires didn't go on. Meanwhile, my house spent four days under pre evac for the Black Forest, which still rages right next door to me.}

Leah Patton@leahnpatton
Wow!!! So awesome! I've always ready Maggie Stiefvater but never have I ready Tessa Gratton and only once have I ready Benna Yovanoff but I liked this so much that I went out and got the other two's books at the library!

serena maeve.@ayato

Jennifer Merchant@jennymer

Elena Garcia Navarro@elenagn

Rachel Rozdzial@razzledazzle