The Death of Jane Lawrence

The Death of Jane Lawrence A Novel

From the Bram Stoker-nominated author of The Luminous Dead comes a gothic fantasy horror--The Death of Jane Lawrence. “Intense and amazing! It’s like Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell meets Mexican Gothic meets Crimson Peak.” —BookRiot Practical, unassuming Jane Shoringfield has done the calculations, and decided that the most secure path forward is this: a husband, in a marriage of convenience, who will allow her to remain independent and occupied with meaningful work. Her first choice, the dashing but reclusive doctor Augustine Lawrence, agrees to her proposal with only one condition: that she must never visit Lindridge Hall, his crumbling family manor outside of town. Yet on their wedding night, an accident strands her at his door in a pitch-black rainstorm, and she finds him changed. Gone is the bold, courageous surgeon, and in his place is a terrified, paranoid man—one who cannot tell reality from nightmare, and fears Jane is an apparition, come to haunt him. By morning, Augustine is himself again, but Jane knows something is deeply wrong at Lindridge Hall, and with the man she has so hastily bound her safety to. Set in a dark-mirror version of post-war England, Caitlin Starling crafts a new kind of gothic horror from the bones of the beloved canon. This Crimson Peak-inspired story assembles, then upends, every expectation set in place by Shirley Jackson and Rebecca, and will leave readers shaken, desperate to begin again as soon as they are finished. “Don’t read this one alone at night; Caitlin Starling has done it again. Unsettling, atmospheric, and downright brutal at times, The Death of Jane Lawrence will continue to haunt you long after you leave Lindridge Hall...if the house lets you leave, that is.” —Genevieve Gornichec, author of The Witch’s Heart
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Photo of Jacque
4 stars
Jan 26, 2025

Completely unexpected and absolutely bonkers. Kept me on my toes until the last sentence.

Photo of Clara Gauthier
Clara Gauthier@cegauthier
5 stars
Apr 9, 2024

god i could not put it down

the aesthetic and atmosphere were perfectly created, genuinely freaked me out at times and that doesn’t happen often

some good old victorian haunted house horror, but done in a slightly different way that works really well ! was worried it would be a retelling of fall of the house of usher (which i also love) but i loved the different direction of this novel

Photo of Julie Failde
Julie Failde@jmfailde
5 stars
Jan 9, 2024

Sooo spooky but sooo good. Super creepy and everything I’d want for a gothic horror story.

Photo of LIMEKI
LIMEKI @livingdeadpigeon9
5 stars
Dec 13, 2023

Truly a gothic novel. I could see tints of "The Haunting of hill house" in it. I fell in love with Agustine and I suffered with Jane. I loved it.

Photo of Sara Turner
Sara Turner@sarareads889
4 stars
Jul 28, 2023

This book was so intriguing. Definitely creepy and gory- I had a hard time reading in some parts. It teetered between real and madness and supernatural a lot and it was very well written. I thought the parts where Jane was sorting through thoughts and blurred the lines between reality and imaginary was somewhat hard to follow and droned on just a bit. Otherwise, it was an exciting book and took turns I hadn’t expected.

Photo of Colleen
3 stars
Apr 15, 2023

3 Stars *An atmospheric, creepy gothic tale with inconsistent characters that went on a bit too long* ARC provided by St. Martin’s Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Gothic stories always pique my interest. The Death of Jane Lawrence seems to have roots in the Bluebeard legend (woman marries man who turns out to have some seriously shady secrets) meets classic Gothic troupes (woman goes to remote manor house and all hell breaks loose). In this story, a young woman named Jane decides to enter a marriage of convenience with a doctor named Augustine Lawrence. He agrees on the condition that she never stay at his family home. But of course, she stumbles upon his dark secrets anyway and ends up tangled in a web of things that should never have been meddled in. My enjoyment was slightly skewed by my expectations. Either the original synopsis didn’t include the bit about this being set in an alternate world, or I totally missed it (both are possible). I didn’t expect to be so thrown by this story being set in an alternate world, but it kept pushing me off track. Every time a detail about the world was mentioned, I frantically wondered if I was supposed to be remembering it or if it was just a random detail. And it really didn’t help that the worldbuilding was so vague. Even with the setting being close to post-WWI England, I never felt a clear mental image of the world. I was also expecting this to be more of a realistic setting with paranormal overtones, but it had a lot more magic, sorcerers, and other Fantasy elements. So again, my expectations were out of line with the story. “Then a magician—one with proven ability to do things beyond what their fellow humans can—is somebody who has a particularly focused kind of madness. Does that sit better with you? Their belief in an impossible thing is so strong that if they turn their will on a question, they can change the answer for other people without ever telling those other people what they did. It changes how those around them perceive the world, even if the underlying fabric of the world remains the same.” On the other hand, the details of Lindridge Hall and the events that took place there were vividly described. Starling’s writing was often visceral yet lyrical. The details of the horror elements are where the writing shined. There were moments when I was really engaged in the story. I will go ahead and mention that if medical gore and vivisection gross you out, you’ll want to skip this one. Anyway, the writing was atmospheric most of the time. There were some stylized elements of the writing that annoyed me a bit. In particular, the way that the supernatural creatures’ dialogue was written was exasperating. It was all plunked down with no quotation marks and no capital letters. It would have been much better if the author had just used italics like most people do when indicating stream-of-consciousness. Refusing to use capital letters was just obnoxious. then think back to before. think of when the bombs fell. remember the fear. the guilt, when others around you died but you lived. there is meat enough in that for me. think of it, and i will let you live. The biggest issue I had with The Death of Jane Lawrence was the inconsistency of the characters. Their actions just didn’t make sense. I was all set to root for Jane in the beginning: this solemn, out of place, mathematically-minded woman trying to make the best of her life. Her logical approach to finding a marriage of convenience made sense. What didn’t make sense was how after meeting Augustine TWICE, she suddenly went all instalovey doe-eyed romantic. All of the subsequent events (some of which are far too contrived) depend on that instalove. If Jane had been a flibbertigibbet from the beginning, I would have just rolled with it. Gothic stories are full of breathy heroines making stupendously bad romantic choices after all. But I get a bit peeved when I’m teased with a logical, stalwart female lead whose personality gets practically lobotomized by a single kiss. I started to really lose patience in the last quarter of the book. I just wanted things to wrap up, but it felt like they dragged on while Jane went over repetitive details. The ending was interesting, but since I didn’t understand Jane’s motivation and didn’t care at all what happened to Augustine, it fizzled out for me. I was interested in the ending but not emotionally invested in it. Although I had some issues with the story, The Death of Jane Lawrence is still a solid read. If I’d gone into it with different expectations, I might have enjoyed it more. Nevertheless, Starling’s writing is robust, and I look forward to checking out her other works. RATING FACTORS: Ease of Reading: 3 Stars Writing Style: 4 Stars Characters and Character Development: 2 Stars Plot Structure and Development: 3 Stars Level of Captivation: 3 Stars Originality: 3 Stars

Photo of Whitley Robertson
Whitley Robertson @whitleyrobertson
3 stars
Feb 21, 2023


Photo of Jenny
Jenny @inky
3 stars
Dec 18, 2022

It’s closer to a 3.5. You’ll like this is you liked crimson peak but thought it needed some gory body horror added to it. My only real complaint is the pace of the “romance”. It seems odd that someone as practical as Jane would go through all of that for such a deep love with someone she knew less than a month. Her character was well developed, possibly the most out of all the characters, and yet she behaves completely opposite of everything you know about her. I overall liked the book but feel like something was missing but I can’t place my finger on what. I would give this author another try in the future.

Photo of Nichole Bogard
Nichole Bogard@time_to_novel
4 stars
Nov 17, 2022

This novel left me speechless. This story haunted my dreams in the form of nightmares. It brought me in the mindset of The Haunting of Hill House. I was genuinely scared but could not put this book down. I do not read much in the way of horror just because I scare easily and reading a book and conjuring the scene in your mind is far scarier than watching it on television. So, if the author wanted to frighten its readers while composing a fantastic story, I would say she had done exactly what she set out to do. Jane wanted a marriage of convenience, one that could be benefit her and her partner. She complied a list and the good of doctor of her town made the cut. The doctor had no intentions of marrying but Jane was persistent and very convincing and explained it as a business arrangement rather than a marriage and the doctor agreed. The fact that she is beautiful, hard working and not afraid to get her hands dirty also help persuade the doctor. The only thing he asked her is that she never visit Lindridge hall. Unfortunately, because of circumstances beyond either one of their control Jane winds up at Lindridge Hall the night of their marriage and from there all hell breaks lose and crazy things start to happen. Jane could never imagine that she would not be able to cipher what real and what is illusion and the deeper she gets into the halls of Lindridge the more traumatic and unsettling her life will become. This tale of gothic horror takes you on a ride you will not soon forget. You will be turning the pages as fast as you can go, devouring every word. I highly recommend this amazing read. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital review copy in exchange for my honest review.

Photo of Floofyflower
3.5 stars
Oct 19, 2022

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and stayed on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading. The plot is intriguing, and how magic is practiced/handled by the characters is well thought out and new. The world building and characters bring the story to life. My biggest complaint is that there were so many instances where the author felt the need to reiterate what the readers could easily infer on their own based on previous moments and scenes in the book. When authors feel the need to state what I’ve already gathered from the narrative, it makes me feel like they think I’m not smart enough to realize what they’ve put out. Overall, however, this book is a good read.

Photo of Cici Pearson
Cici Pearson@cocoisabird
4.5 stars
Oct 18, 2022

Loved it, I can’t really put into words why exactly but there was something weirdly comforting about it in the midst of horror and gore. It reminded me what I love about this genre of books. It took the energy of shows like The Haunting of Hill House and meshed it up with something like Crimson Peak and they had a very interesting baby.

Photo of Jennie Taoka
Jennie Taoka@jjohanson12
2 stars
Oct 18, 2022

I WANTED to like this book so much! I loved "Mexican Gothic" and "Crimson Peak," the del toro movie in fact was part of the inspiration for this story. The beginning sucked me in immediately but mid way through the story I felt lost and confused and disconnected - I also did not care for the leading man. I finished this book only a few months ago, but already I can't remember how it ended, only that I felt like it was a letdown.

Photo of Jasmine
4 stars
Sep 16, 2022

You know, I don’t really know what to say in regards to this book. I guess the best way to start is by telling you that this is the perfect story for those that need more gothic romance/terror in their lives. We’ll couple that with a powerful intelligent female main character for maximum awesomeness. Jane is not perfect, but she’s closer to how a female character should be portrayed. We have no time for the whole damsel in distress thing here haha A lot of the beauty in The Death of Jane Lawrence is the secrets it gives up little by little. These secrets pull you in and keep you engrossed until the very last word. I loved mostly everything about this story and am so stoked I got a chance to read it before it comes out in October. Thanks so much to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Photo of Megan Leprich
Megan Leprich@rescues_and_reads
2 stars
Sep 7, 2022

I’ve never been so happy to be done with a book.

Photo of Cheri McElroy
Cheri McElroy@cherimac
4 stars
Sep 5, 2022

Creepy and atmospheric, this story of the marriage of Jane Lawrence is part-gothic, part-horror, and part weird mystery. Ghosts, magic, and a lot of thunderstorms included.🙂 The plot was the perfect vehicle to explore themes of guilt and forgiveness. Thank you, #NetGalley, for the great audiobook ARC.

Photo of Aditi
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022

Trigger Warnings: body horror, violence, death of loved ones, miscarriage, drug use I’d started to believe that I don’t actually like gothic horror and I just like what I’d built in my head but this one was so good. I loved the atmosphere and the setting and though I was never scared, it was appropriately creepy. I really liked Jane. She was a believable character for the time period this book is set in. She was really easy to root for and I liked her journey throughout the book. It was also focused a lot on science and medicine like other books in this genre I’ve read before (Stalking Jack the Ripper Anatomy: A Love Story) but here its actually relevant to the plot and not just a quirky trait for Jane to have to set her apart from the other girls. The ending dragged a bit but overall I really enjoyed it. I listened to the audiobook and the narration definitely added to my experience.

Photo of Savannah Winchell
Savannah Winchell@savantagonist
5 stars
Aug 14, 2022

THIS BOOK IS OBJECTIVELY SO GOOD AND SMART AND EVERYONE WHO RATED IT LOW IS A COWARD. HOWEVER, I feel like this is a fantasy book not meant for fantasy readers which is why so many people didn’t fuck with it. Like you need to 1) love gothic lit without being a purist 2) read it like a modern psychological thriller Because if you do this you can view Jane as eldritch horror Amy Dunne and you know what??? Good for her Also basically all the criticisms I see of this were literally the point the book was making I said what I said

Photo of Julia C
Julia C@julias_bookshelf
3.5 stars
Aug 14, 2022

Finished the book quite confused, but I think a reread would solve that issue. I rushed through the ending because I wanted to know what happened next and probably missed some vital details.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first half, but the second half ended up being incredibly jumbled and confusing. I didn't exactly understand the way the book ended and I felt that certain things weren't explained enough. The idea is fantastic; however, the execution could have been done a bit better.

Photo of p.
3 stars
Jun 19, 2022

*3.5★ this was very atmospheric, very engrossing. some moments truly had me on the edge of my seat and some had me chilled to the bone. caitlin starling is clearly a very talented writer. however, while i wish i could rate this higher, i find myself unable to. i enjoyed the classic markers of a gothic novel present in the book. but i also found some of the pacing of the plot left something to be desired - particularly in the middle (view spoiler)[between augustine's friends leaving and jane deciding to go ahead with the ritual (hide spoiler)]. i also puzzle over (view spoiler)[ the choice of magic over alchemy, which i feel would have been more fitting for the tone of this book. (hide spoiler)] the acknowledgements section lets on that this novel has gone through many an iteration and i wonder whether the above have not been the result of it. regardless, i would still encourage people to give this novel a go if they are interested in gothic horror and mysterious haunted houses.

Photo of Zoe Deckard
Zoe Deckard@ayearinbookswithzoe
5 stars
Feb 25, 2022

If you liked Rebecca, I highly recommend this book. It’s similar but with its own even darker twists. I raced through this books quickly, finishing the last 180 or so pages in one sitting. I was entirely captivated and desperate to know the ending. I like also that the main character is a strong woman’s highly recommend.

Photo of Sarah | @sarahsbookcase
Sarah | @sarahsbookcase@sarahsbookcase
2.5 stars
Feb 21, 2022

I was sooo intrigued by this book. The synopsis is great and it was soo eerie and dark (my type of book!). It was a wild ride following Jane throughout her relationship with her husband and the mansion. I found I was drifting a bit while reading it but I was very happy to have read it.

Photo of Hannah

This took me way too long to finish and was honestly quite boring :(

Photo of Aundreya Rich
Aundreya Rich@readinginwatercolor
4 stars
Feb 9, 2022

“It was not so hard, to pretend for a fixed duration; it was only eternity that she could not bear.” TDOJL was the November pick for @thebookclubwasbetter , I planned to stay on reading schedule, but honestly this one was too creepy and had me running for answers. Jane has a plan for herself to get her out of her adopted home and into the care of an eligible man who can come to an agreement. Dr. Lawerence is a business man and one who has no desire to marry, but Jane offers her services as a book keeper and helper with the title of “wife” used lightly. They will live apart and be mutual beneficiaries without desire. But Jane may find love after all, along with secrets, ghosts, and dark magic that should have stayed in the shadows. This gothic romance/horror theme was different for me and exactly what I needed to break up my usual picks. Read if you like: -gothic romance -fast pace -mind benders -crimson peak -Ninth House -Ooey gooey body parts and blood -things that go bump in the night and take on the faces of the ones you love Why I dropped a star: The first 3/4 of the book was 5⭐️ for me, but the ending was so confusing that I’m still not sure if I know what happened. Rating: Story- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Characters- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Creep factor- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Steam/Romance- things happen…. But only in the dark 😘 Song: Madness by Ruelle

Photo of Monae Reads
Monae Reads@lifeasmonae
3 stars
Jan 31, 2022



Photo of Hannah Ferimer
Hannah Ferimer@hannahferimer

Have you ever had the experience of somebody telling you a new fact, and it changes how you perceive the world?"

Page 149
Photo of Hannah Ferimer
Hannah Ferimer@hannahferimer

I... that is, I think I was only able to help because I stopPPea seeing him b as a person" She watched him for horror. It didn't come. "Is that not monstrous?" she pressed. He offered a gentle, almost patronizing smile. “Hardly. I was the same, in my first year of medical school. It made bearing their pain easier, made inflicting the pain that was needed to save them easier. Many doctors never get past that, but many more grow beyond it. It becomes a tool, rather than a retreat. You recognize what happened--that is a good first step:"

Page 28
Photo of Hannah Ferimer
Hannah Ferimer@hannahferimer

She had thought of Mr. Renton as a body just now, so easily, and as meat in the heat of the surgery. What sort of monstrous woman was she? Perhaps she was not as like Dr. Lawrence as she thought, or as she would need to be to remain here. That remove had kept her on her feet through the surgery, had helped save him, but guilt rocked her. He wasn't a body. He was a man. He was a living, breathing, thinking man.

Page 27

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