
Erin @pagesofmilkandhoney
A book I read for a class titled "The Mind, the Soul, and the Self in Early Modern Europe." I probably wouldn't have picked it up on my own, but this is probably one of the few books I read for school that I wound up liking. It's an interesting story and really makes you think about the power of the mind, will, the ramifications of not having photography and/or mirrors and the weakness of memory. Got a bit more into detail near the end (after the death of Arnaud du Tilh) that probably wouldn't be relevant if you're just interested in the story of Martin Guerre, but I had to read it anyway and I'm not mad.

Erin P@erin19

Ashley Morin@ashmm

Brayten Funke@braytenfunke

Bill Mazza@kaakow

Merili Kibal@merilik