
The physicist Kip Thorne is the scientific mind behind the science of "Interstellar", thus if you want to know anything related to the astrophysics discussed in the movie, this is the book to read. Thorne introduces us to the beginning of the idea, when the movie was still to be directed by Steven Spielberg, and then moves to discussing in detail all the science present in the movie. Thorne does good a job in communicating complex concepts, however don't expect this book to be as easy as "Interstellar", because if you really want to understand what is being discussed, you'll have to put your mind to work. The book is challenging but Thorne works hard to make it accessible using lots of pictures to help us visualise the most difficult ideas. I just don't give the 5 stars because the book is organised only around the film, lacking a structure of itself, failing to build its own narrative. But it serves very well the purpose, to enlarge the scope of the discussion started by Interstellar.

Too technical for me, but well-written.