Emma Hamm
USAToday Bestselling Author Emma Hamm grew up in a small town surrounded by trees and animals.
She writes strong, confident, powerful women who aren’t afraid to grow and make mistakes. Her books will always be a little bit feminist, and are geared towards empowering both men and women to be comfortable in their own skin. / / / / From the author's website:
"I started my journey in online forums where I wrote with friends. We told fantastical tales and dove deep into fantasy realms that we built from scratch. And then I realized I could do this on my own, and that I wanted to write my own book. Many, many books later and here I am. With more series under my belt than I can count, and a love of storytelling that still burns brightly. If you have a story to tell, write it. You never know how many people you’ll help." / / / / https://emmahamm.com/