500 Miles from You

This book made me feel so happy ☺☺☺ a bit superficial at times and a lot of side characters kind of disappeared and forgotten throughout, which was a bit confusing. But the story was very satisfying overall. Full review soon

I was so very excited to read this continuation of the lives in Kirrinfief. With a new set of characters and a dual perspective of the daily lives of Lissa and Cormac, this new installment brings a new air to the series. I really loved Lissa and Cormac's back stories and seeing how they effect their decisions and lives. I really connected with Lissa's trauma and really grew to love her personality. I really enjoyed the split location even though I am really attached to the Scottish back drop. It was fun getting more plot in a busy bustling city and added so much dimension to the story. I am so happy to have met with the characters I love so much again and would highly suggest each book as a standalone if you aren't a fan of series. Each book has an individual plot line and it's own set of characters even if they other books overlap a bit. This book though by far is my favorite book from the collection I believe. It was so unique from the other two and that's why I love it so much. It truly stands on its own.

Oj, va den drog ut på tiden!

Read my review here: http://www.mybookishfantasy.com/2020/...

I enjoyed this novel but wasn't sure if I would before I started reading it. And, I really liked it. Highly recommend it.

This is my first Jenny Colgan, and I rushed over to buy her other book set in Kirrinfief, because 500 Miles From You is both one of the sweetest romances I have read in ages, and laugh-out-loud funny (watch out for the cow; she's got a mean kick!) -- while managing to be pensive and thoughtful about the lingering aftereffects of trauma as well. I felt like I got a two-in-one travelogue: loving portraits of both London and the Scottish Highlands: London with its rough glitter, and Kirrinfief with a tranquility that stopped short of being saccharine. It's inclusive, too: recommended for readers who like portraits of the UK that are inclusive of people of color and people who are trans/non-binary, without being an "issue of the week" after school special. It felt so good to be reading about people going about their normal lives, dealing with change, and awkwardness. If you're dealing with the continuing uncertainties of working remotely in a global pandemic, and just want to feel normal again for a few hours, this is precisely the book for you.

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