Aesop's Fables
This beautiful volume features more than 200 of Aesop's fables, selected for young readers and illustrated with engravings and color plates by Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane, and Ernest Griset. It includes such classics as: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Tortoise and the Hare, The City Mouse and the Country Mouse, and The Fox and the Grapes. Each fable is a polished gem whose luster never dulls.

Alex Landau@daetura
I will start by saying I think this is more enjoyable to be read sporadically rather then all at once like a normal novel.
I found the stories to have the typical stiltedness of old translated works. Although some of them were quite enjoyable, I found I did not like/agree with many of the "lessons" in the stories. The style of writing was also inconsistent which makes sense since they aren't even sure Aesop was a real person.
Overall, I think it is good for adults who want to read some classic stories, but I would be very careful about sharing them with children.

Tanner Hodges@tannerhodges

Hrishikesh Bhaskaran@stultus

Hrishikesh Bhaskaran@stultus

olivia musick@oliviamusick





Nicole Lucy O'Loughlin@narrpip

Whitney Mattox@whit