Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Easy read

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Sixteen-year-old and not-so-openly gay Simon Spier prefers to save his drama for the school musical. But when an email falls into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into the spotlight. Now Simon is actually being blackmailed: if he doesn’t play wingman for class clown Martin, his sexual identity will become everyone’s business. Worse, the privacy of Blue, the pen name of the boy he’s been emailing, will be compromised. With some messy dynamics emerging in his once tight-knit group of friends, and his email correspondence with Blue growing more flirtatious every day, Simon’s junior year has suddenly gotten all kinds of complicated. Now, change-averse Simon has to find a way to step out of his comfort zone before he’s pushed out—without alienating his friends, compromising himself, or fumbling a shot at happiness with the most confusing, adorable guy he’s never met.
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Photo of Alex Landau
Alex Landau@daetura
3 stars
Sep 15, 2024

The ending saved this book from the donate pile for me. The back and forth emails were also really cute, but I had some major problems:

1: The "teen speak" in this made me cringe so hard. I remember being a teen and a lot of this style of talking faded out really quick.

2: Was she paid to put so much product/media names in the book?? It almost never added anything other than a cheap attempt at making it relatable some how...

3: And this one got me really hard... It was almost impossible for me to remember that they are 17 year olds. They act more like 14/15 year olds which made reading certain scenes... Weird at best. They just didn't act like seniors in highschool.

So needless to say I had problems with it, but the ending was cute and at the time it was put out, it was one of the few books where a gay teen had a good life/ending (At least that I was aware of).

Photo of claire sim qiu yan
claire sim qiu yan@clairesim13
4 stars
Aug 30, 2024

i was really surprised that i liked this but what a cute coming of age story. language was simple but in a way that worked? got me smiling

Photo of Jackie Cunningham
Jackie Cunningham@jackie_c
5 stars
Jul 4, 2024

This book has been on my TBR pile since it first released and I’m so freaking happy I finally had a chance to read it.

Photo of Ryan Mateyk
Ryan Mateyk@the_rybrary
5 stars
Jul 4, 2024

The writing was really basic but the second half of the book more than made up for it. It was a funny, realistic coming of age story. EDIT: Writing is still really basic on my first re-read BUT this book is incredible and I think it's amazing that mainstream media like this exists nowadays. I'm perfectly happy with myself and my coming out story, but I can't help but wonder whether stuff like this book would have had an effect on me coming out earlier if I had this type of material growing up. Also, can't wait for the movie.

Photo of ploral
4 stars
Jul 1, 2024

4.5/5 It was fun to read this.

Photo of Wes Michaud
Wes Michaud@westhebookworm
5 stars
Jun 15, 2024

Love it! I will always love this book

Photo of Anjorin Molayo
Anjorin Molayo @bookishtems
4 stars
Jun 1, 2024

“Why is straight the default? Everyone should have to declare one way or another, and it should be this big awkward thing whether you’re straight, gay, bi, or whatever. I’m just saying.” I love the comfort this book brings 🥹. Simon is such a hilarious character and reading from his perspective was so fun. 3.75 ⭐️

Photo of Bria
4 stars
May 31, 2024

+1 star bc this book is well written Simon is annoying tbh

Photo of kelsey
3 stars
May 28, 2024

*3.5 stars *update 8/7/21 why did i rate this 5 stars?

Photo of Elisavet Rozaki
Elisavet Rozaki @elisav3t
2 stars
May 20, 2024

I wanted to love it after seeing so many positive reviews. It was easy to read, but I found myself skipping paragraphs. Maybe it's because I despise high-school romances

Photo of Chloé
3 stars
Apr 30, 2024

A New Favourite. A Story With An Amazing Approach To Showing The Mind Of Simply A Teenage Boy Who Happens To Be Gay. I Adored The Love Story. Scenes And Emails Between 'Blue' And Simon Had Me Grinning Like The Cheshire Cat. It’s A Cute Story With Great Diversity, Positive Representation Of Minority Groups. Will Definitely Revisit For A Pick Me Up. Especially Near The End When Simon And ‘Blue’ Meet. Just… Just Amazing.

Photo of Sarah Sammis
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
4 stars
Apr 4, 2024

It also didn't help that the not-so-secret (unless you're Simon) boyfriend goes by Blue. Anyone else get the Blue Skidoo song from Blue's Clues stuck in their head while reading this book?

Photo of Chip
3 stars
Apr 1, 2024

Very adorable story! I saw the movie first and I enjoyed this book way more than the movie. I like that the book went deeper and I like the ending way better. There were some deep part that made me sympathize with Simone and what he was going through be safe

Photo of Nabila Azahra
Nabila Azahra@nabilazhhr
5 stars
Mar 24, 2024

Oh, God! I can't help but smiling through out the book. Everything is just so precious! The friendship, the family, the e-mails.. and the dialogues. They were hella funny! Can't wait to read more of Becky Albertalli's book.

Photo of mikki
4 stars
Feb 27, 2024

I forgot almost the entirety of the plot but I remember enjoying every bit of it.

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
5 stars
Feb 14, 2024

Oh my good GOD. This book was basically the most adorable freaking book I've read this year. I mean, I've read some pretty funny books (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl i'm looking at you) and this was just about as funny! I was laughing out loud at Simon and his situations/life/quirks and whenever something cute happened I'd squeal. I literally SQUEALED OUT LOUD. MULTIPLE TIMES. This book will do some weird things to you. It's just so good! The plot is new, but going into it I didn't think it'd be all that exciting. "I'm going to figure this out in no time" I said confidently, which ended up being pretty true but I didn't even CARE. This story made a mark. It was cute and fun and simple. It was a freaking blast. I loved the characters; the friendships, the relationships Simon had with both his siblings and his parents. I loved how normal his sexuality was treated (because it is) and watching his romance come to life was just hilarious and sweet. This book was so high school but in the best way possible. It wasn't annoying and immature; the characters weren't insufferable. It actually made me pretty nostalgic for high school. I'm someone who enjoyed high school (I mean, thank God that's over but it wasn't terrible) and that was mainly due to my theatre department. Not to mention I was a theatre major in college. The fact Simon was involved in theatre was just an AMAZING aspect of the book for me. All the high school theatre references and the weirdness/ease that you have with that group of people was just so fun to read about. I loved this book, guys. Holy crap, I loved it. I had to put it aside because of A Darker Shade of Magic (can you blame me?) and I love that it didn't even matter. I picked up right where I left off, flew through it, and enjoyed the crap out of it. Please read this book. If you just finished an amazing series and don't know what to pick up next, make it this book. It's the perfect refresher (speaking from actual experience). *Not sure why I used so many parenthetical remarks in this. Must be a side-affect of the excitement. Not even sorry.

Photo of Ryan
Ryan @ryandoesread
4 stars
Jan 19, 2024

i can’t believed i flew through this in under 2 days. i enjoyed this book SO much and i think everyone should read this book. i had a few laughs here and there and i think that’s enough to say that it’s good with some laughable moments for you to enjoy even more on this book.

Photo of 💌
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024

I really enjoyed this! I thought it was cute and heartwarming, and it was exactly what I needed. I could see myself in some of Simon's struggles and that for me made the book even more personal. I absolutely love the characters, and I can't wait to see the movie.

Photo of roro
4 stars
Jan 6, 2024

I got this book two days ago. I finished it very quickly so that should tell you how much i enjoyed it. It's a very sweet story that had me smiling in the middle of class. (yes i was reading this instead of doing work. don't hate me.) i will only rate a book five stars if it exceeds my expectations. this book is very cute but it is your typical teenage romance. Overall very enjoyable and so freaking cute.

Photo of Soha
4 stars
Jan 4, 2024

I'm a bit late to the party. I had this book on my mind and in my mental TBR list for many months now (years even). I only actually read it a few days ago. This book became pretty famous because of its focus on an LGBTQ+ character. I hadn't read a book like this before. Sure, I had read books where the side characters were gay/bi/lesbian/etc but that was it. And I am glad I picked this book up. I can't say I relate to Simon's struggles, but they felt real. I could empathize with them. I won't say that the characters were complex or 'had many layers' but they had their own demons to deal with. I think there are many technicalities explained on the internet today, when it comes to talking about one's sexual orientation. But reading a story (albeit, fictional) that was narrated by the person himself was enriching in a completely different way. Everybody is the same; human. And everybody deserves a great love story. Oh, Simon does get his love story :D I loved the relationships Becky Albertalli has tried exploring in the book. The relationships between best friends. Those between siblings. (I did cry when Simon cried **sniffles**) All in all, it was an enjoyable read for me and I loved the story!

Photo of Cigdem O
Cigdem O@cidringles
5 stars
Dec 20, 2023

... We are out and we are alive, and everyone in the universe is out here right now. I love this book! Even after months reading it i feel a fuzzy, homey feeling even just by seeing its cover. It just has a place in my heart nothing else could. I think it's my first book that has queer protagonist instead of side char etc. and i wouldn't want it to be something else.

Photo of Tierney Hewitt
Tierney Hewitt@tierneyhew
5 stars
Dec 4, 2023

I love love love loved this book! It was so freaking adorable, and i've never read a LGBTQ+ book before but this definitely influenced me to pick them up more often. This book got me out of a major year long Reader's Block, which i'm super grateful for because i forgot how much i enjoyed the distraction of reading. I'm also extremely excited for the movie to come out!

Photo of Lotty
Lotty @allythebrain
5 stars
Nov 24, 2023

Like nothing I ever read before

Photo of Katelyn Payne
Katelyn Payne @kateyvette
3 stars
Sep 15, 2023

This book was honestly SO GOOD. The only thing I didn't like about was the amount of swearing it had. I felt like most of the time it was super unnecessary.


Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

E é quase demasiado perfeito. Como um conto da Disney.

Page 222
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Os nossos dedos mindinhos estão a centímetros um do outro e é como se uma corrente invisível passasse entre nós.  

Page 218
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Nunca te sentes preso em ti mesmo?

Page 52
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Há algumas meias que não devem ser lavadas pela nossa mãe.

Page 22
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

A puberdade é implacável.

Page 15
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Um rapaz hétero, que mal me conhece, a dar-me conselhos sobre assumir-me. Dá para não revirar os olhos? 

Page 8
Photo of Michaela Taubrová
Michaela Taubrová@misa_taubrova

And Leah's also into slash fanfiction, which got me curious enough to poke around the internet and find some last summer. I couldn't believe how much there was to choose from: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy hooking up in thousands of ways in every broom closet at Hogwarts. I found the ones with decent grammar and stayed up reading all night. It was a weird couple of weeks. That was the summer I taught myself how to do laundry. There are some socks that shouldn't be washed by your mom.

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