Amazing Spider-Man Edge of Spider-Verse

Spider-Verse is the most entertaining Spider-Man story I've read to date. Of course, after seeing the recent film that takes a few ideas from this event, I wanted to read the comic. I wasn't disappointed! I enjoyed this quite a bit. It's a slightly darker, grittier story than you typically get for a Spider-Man story but it also had a bit of heart to it. You've got a major threat coming after every Spider totem in the multiverse (the threat is the evil Inheritors who are vampires that feast on Spider-Men) and all of the totems band together to stop it. Witty, gritty, heartfelt, and fun. And Slott juggles so many threads, I have to give him props: He is a master storyteller.

I only read it for the introduction of Spider-Gwen. The rest was hit or miss. The first 3 were pretty cool, with Spider-Gwen being the best by far, but the fourth one was in poor taste. Didn't bother with the fifth. So real ratings: #1 - 3.5/5 Stars, very interesting but the blood was a bit much for me. #2 - 5/5 Stars, very excellent, though I hope to get the full origin story with volume 1 which I will be reading in full :) #3 - 4/5, very interesting, too bad there's no conclusion. #4 - 0/5, not my kind of story. It was nauseating and just not what I want out of a comic at all. #5 - N/A, didn't read.

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