American King

American King

Sierra Simone2017
They say that every tragic hero has a fatal flaw, a secret sin, a tiny stitch sewn into his future since birth. And here I am. My sins are no longer secret. My flaws have never been more fatal. And I’ve never been closer to tragedy than I am now. I am a man who loves, a man whose love demands much in return. I am a king, a king who was foolish enough to build a kingdom on the bones of the past. I am a husband and a lover and a soldier and a father and a president. And I will survive this. Long live the king.
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Photo of Priscilla Stanfield
Priscilla Stanfield@priscillas01
3 stars
Feb 12, 2025

3/5⭐️ • 5/5🌶️

So all the actual plot progression that happened at the end of book 2… yeah it went poof. I don’t actually know what was happening anymore. What I have figured out is that there is always one thing that happens in the books by Sierra Simone that I remember but not for good reasons. And while I can’t say what it is in this one because it’s a spolier it was a doozy for this trilogy to know. So ultimately it was an insta lovely trilogy, with little to no plot, and was a little confusing near the end. But it was spicy so if you want something for that you could check this out.

Photo of Katie Buchanan
Katie Buchanan@katieirene
3 stars
Apr 14, 2024

We really leaned in to the King Arthur parallels.... which was a little odd because it was just an undercurrent in the other books but was a focal point of this book. I shed some serious tears in this book, but do have to say it was also my least favorite by far for the series.

Photo of Abigail
5 stars
Oct 25, 2023

That was a lotttt. I can’t believe this trilogy is over for me. I went into this so scared. I was so scared I even looked up spoilers and I was still scared. I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SCARED. I officially trust Sierra Simone as an author so much. The angst and the heart strings yanked but it’s written in such a beautiful way even the resolution doesn’t take away the pain it makes it worth it. If you read the bullet points of what goes on in this series you may think how could I make it through this but it’s like Sierra was holding my hand the whole way.

This was a great balance of POVs. I still even got a bit of Greer. This utilized flashbacks in a way I don’t normally like, namely when the chapter starts off saying the timeline is currently in the past but then the voice is still jumping around timelines. I usually feel like if you say you’re going to be in a certain timeline then stay in that timeline and don’t have flashbacks on top of it. BUT all that said I do feel like the jumping around made sense for what a reader would have already experienced in the first two books. It actually helped moved the plot along instead of living through way too much time of a scene in an alternate POV. I would feel like the brakes were engaged when it was a “then” chapter but then it always ended up being about something really interesting and made sense to me.

I feel we did get to know more about Ash, mainly that he’s a sad boi. It’s a pretty basic perspective to uncover in a way but I think it just wrapped it all up nicely. Like all the angst and hurt and push/pull that we went along with Greer and Embry through turns out was actually worth it cause Ash’s POV is still a stand up guy.

I commend this triad for really having balance. It is not easy selling a relationship in which pairs of the three have a very significant amount of time together and not all together. This wrapped it up in a way that is so believable to me in that they really did get their own and somehow emotionally equal time.

Overall, I was just so caught up in this series. It’s truly amazing. I can’t say I loved the twists and turns cause they legit hurt my feelings but in a good way that all ended up okay and kept an interesting plot and relationship dynamic. I almost forgot to mention it, but yes continued blazing hot spice per usual. Sierra never misses.

thank you to NetGalley and bloom books for an ARC for this re-release. I have loved this series.

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance American King is the third and final book in this spectacular trilogy( although there is a novella that is Merlin’s book that I am very curious about and would love to read next.  But this trilogy had tore me upside down and sideways and yet gives back tenfold with such satisfying feels that I couldn’t get enough of this three way pairing. If you are curious to try out a ménage love affair than this book is definitely for you. I wish that this had been my first try out in ménage —because my first book in ménage was not a good experience or maybe ten years ago I just wasn’t as open for it as I am not. My reading tastes have definitely developed over the years however this trilogy is so epic and worth every moment. I wouldn’t be complete without her, and neither would Embry. She was made to be my wife, and we were made to be a three. It is a bit sad to see this trilogy have its conclusion but what a CONCLUSION. Now I am on the fence with how I feel about the ending, I can see why Sierra Simone developed the ending the way that she did, but at the same time it wasn’t what I was really hoping for and one of my least favorite endings to be honest. I don’t hate it or anything I just was hoping for it to be different than how it actually happened. There is a HEA though so for curious readers, all three do find their happy ending it just didn’t end the way I would have liked more. But that is Sierra Simone, she is a bit unconventional especially in her endings. what happens between the three of us is unspoken, navigated spontaneously and in the moment, but there are always certain roles we magnetize to. Greer, the compliant. Ash, the master. Me, the mood-ring of a lover, shifting and changing depending on the day, the hour, the minute.three of us are thoughtless, reflexive beasts, joined so elementally that there’s no separating us. We are one, we are one, and my body burns and sings with the truth. I am really making an effort to not spoil this book more than I absolutely have to, but there was something so emotionally raw about this conclusion. There is still quite a bit of sex (okay hot and great sex scenes here) but we see certain aspects of the plot play out in a certain way. There are some revelations that unravels and secrets about Merlin that we discover. And there is more development with Carpathia as well and the danger it’s poses against all three of them. I really enjoyed to see the climax of the story really build up the way that it does. My love for the two of you exist inside your love for each other - when you love each other, you are loving me I was so addicted with the relationships that we see between these three. From Ash to Greer, Greer To Ash, Embry To Ash, Embry to Greer. In this book especially we see that even though are some conflicts happening due to certain plot points, we see that their love for each other is stronger than ever. And that is the one thing that isn't ever in doubt. What was also a fun aspect was seeing Ash's viewpoint FINALLY!! We see a bit of his childhood, meeting Merlin, his bond with both Greer and Embry and his strong sense of honor and responsibility. We see what a truly great President and leader he truly is, We see how even the love between them is strong, there is still hurt and emotional struggle that we see them all overcome and I love their courage through the challenges they all face. This story is a story of sacrifice, loyalty. sensuality and the lengths one goes to in order to protect those one loves, its a final conclusion to a breathtaking love tale that is stunning in its portrayal, and my hat goes off to Sienna Simone that penned such a in depth story that is hot enough to steam the windows and tugs at the heartstrings in a fundamental way. TRULY A ROMANTIC TREASURE! There's only what should have been from the beginning, which is this love the three of us have found like a city in the desert, strange and holy. Empty and waiting for us

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters
4.25 stars
Dec 5, 2022

Ugh this book! It really put me through the ringer. Sierra Simone did such a great job with this ending. The love that Greer, Ash, and Embry share transcends time! I love that we got to see the relationships they all share, individually as couples, as well as all three together.

The ending seemed so fitting. Everything that happened truly lead to that moment and ugh, my heart! This one will live in my heart for sure.

It's an unforgettable, emotional, addictive, and expressive romance that had my heart knots from beginning to end! This has to be my favorite of the series.

Photo of Jennifer Eggleston
Jennifer Eggleston @jenneggs
4 stars
Sep 27, 2022

This trilogy ...whew, chile Reviewing as a whole. A modern retelling of King Arthur... but with a HEA. Now what it took to get there was a lot ...but let’s add tons of sex in all types of combinations. This is not your vanilla sex ... it is 32 flavors. Book 1. Greer’s story (American Queen) It’s her back story and how she came to love two men. She was not my fave story. She is giving me Ana (stasia) vibes. That whole doe eyed innocence and such. Poor Greer had a life filled with tragedy and every chance at happiness was met with some disaster. Book 2. Embry’s story ( American Prince) His back story and conflict was my fave. Much like a middle child this middle book was trying to keep the peace but also love and being worthy of said love. Book 3. Ash’s story (American King) I found Ash to be kind of pr*ck . He wanted all the cake and on his terms ... consequences and friendships be damned. He truly had presidential qualities. Was quite happy with the ending. I’m glad they were able to make it work and get the love they so all needed and wanted without having to lose a person. Smut with plot. My fave kind of read.

Photo of Emily
5 stars
Sep 9, 2022

Oh my god. This book. This series. The ending was perfect. I can’t put into words how much I loved it.

Photo of Andrea Rodriguez
Andrea Rodriguez@dreareads
5 stars
Sep 9, 2022

Y'all.... this book. this trilogy. Sierra Simone, what have you done to me?? When I first started this trilogy, I thought I was just walking into a hot MMF romance focused around BDSM. Did I read a hot MMF romance focused around BDSM? Yes. Did I also read a story that repeatedly tore my heart open and shredded it into pieces? Also yes lmao. Listen, I am entirely uncultured so I didn't know a single thing about King Arthur or Camelot, so if I should have seen this coming, I did not. This book hurt. Oh god, it hurt so much. If I thought it hurt to read about Embry and his self-loathing and self-sabatoging tendecies, it was nothing compared to reading about all of the pain and hearbreak that Ash endured over the span of almost 20 years. His love for Embry and Greer, specifically Embry, is just.. unlike anything I've read before. There were so many times where I just wanted to hug Ash and tell him everything would be ok (even though I had no idea if that would actually be the case) and I wanted to shake Embry and tell him to get his head out of his ass. I understand why everything happened the way it had to happen, heartbreak and suffering included, but oof. When I tell you I cried, I cried. Several times. That twist definitely took me for a loop and I wasn't entirely on board at first, but Sierra Simone is clearly a genius and she completely sold me on it. Speaking of her ingenuity, I think it speaks to what an amazing writer she is that I could be reading a scene that was hot af and still be crying because of what was also going on with the characters. She legit had us turned on and heartbroken at the same time - how?! Genius. That's how. This trilogy was beautifully tragic and I don't know that I'll be able to find something like this again. It was nothing at all what I expected and I already know I won't be able to stop thinking about this for a long time. If anyone has any recommendations even close to this trilogy, please send them my way. In the mean time, I will be diving into my comofort reads because I absolutely need that right now lol.

Photo of Megan Lowe
Megan Lowe@booksandbubbletea
4 stars
Aug 21, 2022

Whoa... this series was... unexpected, and hot, but great. I loved the intrigue, and the in depth explanation we get from each of the main characters. I’ve said before I like how it wasn’t so complicated, but I felt it could’ve been more here. Abilene’s role could’ve been expanded, her motives clearer, and the a defence against her bigger. But I did like this series, even if it wasn’t entirely up my alley. Still, everything seemed just this side of going too far. It’s a great read, highly recommended.

Photo of samantha youngclaus
samantha youngclaus@samanthayy
5 stars
Aug 13, 2022

sierra simone i will be sending you my therapy bill

Photo of Tshering Yangzom
Tshering Yangzom@yangzomsbookarchive
5 stars
Mar 28, 2022

the epilogue was perfection.

Photo of Pauline J
Pauline J@thebooksiveloved
4 stars
Mar 16, 2022

4.25 ⭐️

Photo of Tanya
Tanya @babygyalreadit
5 stars
Mar 16, 2022

We made it to the end and boy boy boy boy do I have some damn thoughts!!! I went into this being so not being team Ash AT ALL, after leaving book 2 I think I hated him, I did.... Honest to Christ my feelings are all over the place right now. I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m MAD at Ash for being a stubborn asshole. I’m MAD at Embry for leaving but also glad that he is & im also SAD because I want him and Ash to work out. Fuck I really wanted to hate Ash & if you go a read my review on book 2 you will see I wasn’t his biggest fan... but getting his POV has changed things immensely, while I still believe his pedastle is way too high I still ultimately feel sad for him. Sad that he’s trying so hard to do what he believes is the right thing. Sad that he doesn’t feel as though he’s enough for Greer. Sad that he’s jealous. I do however have more of an understanding for why he has made the decisions he has and I can see clearly now all of the love that he has for Embry and it’s the purest form that there is. I’m PISSED at Greer because she has 100% without a doubt turned into a doormat I mean where is her backbone & personality. It’s just yes sir and no sir all the time. There’s no possible way for her to be worshipping the ground he’s walking in like this. I feel like I’m getting both Embry & Ash’s POV now she kind of got lost within the mix somehow. There are so many obstacles that come up in this book and each time it’s like she’s just too graceful about things. I wanted her to break a glass or something at some point but nope she never did, never broke a sweat nothing and that bothered me. You guys my anxiety was through the roof the entire time I was reading this because I KNEW something massive would happen and when things started to unravel? I WAS A MESS!!!! I never thought never ever thought this is what it would turn into I mean Sierra please I want inside your burn because this story was Genius, the politics, the myths, the romance EVERYTHING a masterpiece. I’m so mad that I was late to the party with this trilogy and I only stumbled upon because I was looking for a book with a millionaire/ dominant hero and boy did I get that and a fuck ton more! This truly was the perfect ending, getting American Queen then American Prince and then getting our kings POV? God it was perfect. This trilogy was so complex and beautifully written mythology, love, sacrifice, honor, dominance, submission, politics, even a bit of magic if you will it was so nicely done I’ve never ever read anything like this. This is going on my list of top reads of the year no doubt.

Photo of Samantha Hamburger
Samantha Hamburger@samanthahamburger
5 stars
Feb 28, 2022

The ending.....left me bawling. Such a good conclusion to the trilogy.

Photo of Alyssa Amey
Alyssa Amey @a_amey12
4 stars
Feb 23, 2022

4.5⭐️ because at the end I was SHOOK!! I legit screamed.

Photo of Juliette
4 stars
Jan 17, 2022


Photo of Tess
3 stars
Oct 26, 2021

The third in the New Camelot Series from Ash’s side of the story. This book was still enjoyable, but kind of dragged in parts for me. Still lots of steam and a touch of magical realism. Read if you like ⤵️ 👑 Dark Romance 👑 Political Romance 👑 King Arthur Retellings 👑 Lots of Steam 👑 Sub/Dom Relationship ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 American King by Sierra Simone

Photo of Su Ah Lee
Su Ah Lee@suah98
4 stars
Oct 20, 2021


Photo of Cat Nunez
Cat Nunez @catxbooks
5 stars
Oct 8, 2021

Cómo sufrí con este libro, sobretodo al final de la parte 2. Terminé de leerla y no podía parar de llorar y hace tiempo que no me pasaba eso con un libro. (view spoiler)[ De verdad pensé que Ash estaba muerto y sufrí desde el momento en que estaba con Embry "despidiéndose" (hide spoiler)]. Tuve que parar en esa parte porque sentía muchas cosas, y aunque seguí leyendo y me corrían las lágrimas admito que el final sin duda fue lo que esperaba <3 (view spoiler)[ Estaba como Greer al ver a Ash de nuevo, no sospechaba que lo de su muerte era una farsa y oh, gracias Sierra por no matarlo como pensaba, porque ahí si que la hubiera odiado por hacer eso, pero amo que quedaran los tres felices y juntos al final con sus hijos (hide spoiler)] "You may not care about what happens to you, but I fucking do. You're mine, no matter how far you run, and I'll do everything under heaven to keep you safe" Cómo con American Prince, amé saber la versión de Ash de su historia, sobretodo como conoció a Embry y lo que los llevó a tener la relación que hemos visto. Hay tantas cosas que amé, y aunque sufría cuando Embry rechazaba a Ash, sabía que a pesar de todo su relación seguiría igual de fuerte al como lo fue al principio y amé que Ash siempre le afirmara que lo amaba y que haría todo para que pudieran ser felices, aunque habían veces donde no todo era perfecto. Lo que si odié en todos los libros fue a Abilene, cada vez que hacía algo malo me daban ganas de entrar al libro y pegarle jaja (view spoiler)[ Menos mal Sierra la mató, para que así dejara de salirse con las suyas y dejara a Ash, Greer y Embry tranquilos. (hide spoiler)] Sin duda esta trilogía es una de las mejores que leí este año y cada libro tuvo algo que me hizo amarlo y odiarlo al mismo tiempo, pero me alegro de haber esperado para leer los 3 porque hubiera sido una tortura esperar meses entre cada libro para saber que pasaba con los 3, y sin duda valió la pena esperar porque ahora quedé completamente enamorada de la historia entre Ahs, Embry y Greer <3

Photo of Kim
5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. Y'all, I have to be perfectly honest with you — I am not ready to write this review. I'm not ready to let this series or these characters or this amazing story go just yet. I'm not sure I ever will be. This series was all-consuming from the moment I picked up American Queen over a year ago. At first it was because of the wickedly hot and filthy sexy times, but it became so much more than that as I fell in love with these characters and Sierra's writing simultaneously.  This is one of the toughest reviews I've ever had to write, not only because I'm not ready to do it, but also because I'm not even sure what to say. My words cannot do this book, this series, justice. I also want to be really cautious not to ruin any part of this conclusion for you, because MY GODS this book did so many things to my heart. Ash, Greer and Embry have a special place in my heart and will continue to for a long time to come. I'm not sure I'll ever forget their story.  I went into American King expecting feels and preparing to be totally wrecked, but I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought the first two books were hot, but this one... holy hell. I've never read anything quite like it before. I really thought my iPad (or I) might overheat while reading it. But that's such a small part of what I loved about this book. It really came down to the characters and the gorgeous writing. American King was the perfect combination of beautiful and gloriously filthy. I swooned, I cried, I thought my heart was actually breaking. This book put me through so many ups and downs, so many highs and lows, that it was beyond a book. It was an experience.  If you've been reading the New Camelot Trilogy from the beginning, don't stop now. Brace yourself, but keep going. You might want tissues and wine (or whatever coping device you prefer) when you read it. But when it's all said and done, you'll be glad you did. I can't imagine a more perfect conclusion to this series or to the story of Ash, Greer and Embry.  I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. FAVORITE QUOTES I am a man who loves. A man whose love demands much in return. And I will survive this. I will love her until the stars burn themselves out and hang like cold rocks in the lightless sky.  It's indecent, I recognize that, obscene and maybe even sinful, but it is the way the three of us were made, and in this moment, I'm ready to forsake everything else I believe just to have this forever. The way I love Ash and Greer is not the kind of love that fades into a dusty memory, it's not the kind of love that can be fenced in and patrolled. And tonight will feed it, nurse it, make a strong thing even stronger, and how we aren't all going to be crushed to death by this, I don't know. "All I've ever wanted, from the first moment I saw you, was to cuff you to my bed and keep you forever. To trade my heart for yours, so that wherever we went, we were inside each other." My love for the two of you exists inside your love for each other—when you love each other, you are loving me.

Photo of Michelle Vasquez
Michelle Vasquez@yourfavoritebookbag
5 stars
Sep 27, 2021

Ash, Embry & Greer will live rent free in my head forever. “Perhaps Embry’s always had the part of me that wielded the sword, but she…she’s always owned the part that wears the crown.” Embry and Greer have each had a piece of Ash’s heart since they met. They brought a man that was destined for power and control back to his knees. For someone who kneels for no-one, they are the exception. They have always been the exception, because it gave him something to live for. “American King,” by Sierra Simone is the third and final book in the New Camelot Series. It picks up where it left off leaving us breathless in book two- and it brings us to a stunning and explosive ending. It brings Embry and Ash head to head in the most challenging part of their careers yet, as well as within their relationship. I loved how this series broke down Greer, Embry and Ash within their own books, as well as how it interconnected their lives, emotions and connection. The magic of what the “New Camelot” was in this storyline was fantastic, and once everything was brought to light it was *chefs kiss*. I loved every part of this series, but this book was hands down my favorite. It showcased true love and what sacrifice in the name of love looks like. I can’t wait to re-read this, because it will live rent free in my head always.

Photo of Lacey
3 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Not quite what I expected but I loved the ending!

Photo of Ashlee
5 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Re-Read, May 26th 2021: These books make my heart so full. Rereading these was such a great idea, I would still burn the world down for Embry Moore. Original, April 24th 2019: I absolutely love these books and these characters! I can’t believe how perfect the ending was, after I was crying my eyes out two chapters before. 😂😭 Highly, highly recommend these.

Photo of Sofia
Sofia @zofu
5 stars
Dec 1, 2023

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