Red Moon A Novel

All I can say is "wow". This is a masterful book. Yes, it's about werewolves, but it's also about so much more than that. On a thematic level, it brings up so many important issues. On a technical level, it is very well-crafted. Percy switches effortlessly between multiple characters all across the globe, and draws them together in ways that felt organic and real. The tension is built steadily. These werewolves are not the monsters lurking in the woods, though they could be. These monsters are your fellow human beings. Percy utilizes the werewolf mythos very well. These werewolves could be the Muslim extremists in the Middle East. These werewolves could be the gang members of inner-city ghettos. These werewolves could be AIDs victims, homosexuals, . They are both familiar and foreign. They represent something that cannot be understood, and quoting from Batman Begins, "You always fear what you don't understand." The werewolf virus, Lobos, can be transmitted through biting, but bites are rare, as most werewolves are just regular citizens. However, now there are terrorist werewolf attacks happening. In the midst of this awesome plot, the author introduces a host of characters who are very well fleshed out. Each character has their own personal arcs, spiralling in and out of contact with the others. I haven't read a book that's been able to accomplish this in a long while. There are no good guys and bad guys in this book. There are only people with different ideas clashing. Even the most evil guy is given reason for his actions. The author takes these characters and breaks them down, physically, mentally, psychologically, changes them and grows them into something stronger, galvanized by the dire situation. The book goes from dark to darker to pitch black. There is disease, death, violence, rape, and torture. Normally, I don't like reading about such things, but the story was so compelling, and in the context, it seemed like these things would happen. There are so many adjectives I could throw on this book. Gripping. Involving. Darkly entertaining. I recommend this book to all and I will be checking out more from Mr. Percy.