Morir Con Cero
Imagine that, before your death, you had done everything you were told. You have always worked hard, you've saved money, and you've looked forward to financial independence at the time of retirement. The only thing you have wasted along the way has been... your life. Die With Zero presents a surprising and provocative new philosophy, as well as a practical guide on how to get the most out of your money and your life. It is intended for those who place the experiences and memories for a lifetime far above the mere gain and accumulation of money for the called golden years. By reading this book, you will discover how to maximize the memorable moments of your entire life with "experience bundling", how to turn your income into priceless memories, how to follow your "net worth curve" to know if you should invest or delay a venture based on your "spending curve" and your "personal interest rate curve". Using their own life experiences, as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of other people, and drawing on insights about time, money, and happiness coming from the world of psychology and finance, Perkins brings you timely arguments, convincing and against the grain in favor of living large.