Digital Fortress

I enjoyed the book but it took me longer to warm to the story and characters than it did for either Angles and Demons or The Da Vinci Code. I think Brown has more fun writing about art history than cryptology.

Rating: 3.5 stars


Dan Brown has yet again made a book that had me hooked onto his every word. This man needs to make more books and fast! In this novel, Susan is a cryptographer who learns about a brand new, unbreakable code called Digital Fortress. She must try to save the agency back in America while her lover is in Europe trying to save the NSA by finding the "safe key" to stop the code as well. This novel has twists and turns I didn't see coming, much like every other Dan Brown book I have read. There isn't anything more I could ask of Dan Brown in this book, since it was perfection to me. The chapters weren't super long, I learned many new facts and the novel kept me hooked onto every word he wrote. Anyone who likes a good mystery novel that is fast paced and addicting should pick up a Dan Brown book. It's so hard to put his novels down! Five out of five stars!

هي كويسة بس جو المخابرات و المؤسسات السرية الأمريكية ده مش بحبه ، الأمريكان فاكرين نفسهم عايشين لوحدهم في العالم .

Same as all Dan brown books.Very predictable.

You can find this review and others like it at aravenclawlibraryx.wordpress.com tw: sexual harassment, racist comments, fat shaming, ableism, child abandonment, murder Believe it or not, Dan Brown writes more than just the Da Vinci Code series. He actually has two other books counting this one that is not related to the Da Vinci Code world. They are written very much in the style of the Da Vinci Code which makes it easier to transition to these books. I own the other one and will eventually read it. Onto the actual review. This book was good. It wasn’t fantastic but I didn’t hate it. It didn’t blow me away or keep me on the edge of my sea but I enjoyed the ride nonetheless. It was just a real solid book and sometimes, that’s all you can ask for. One of the positives about this book is that the MC, Susan, is a code breaker. I love that. Seeing women in STEM makes my heart soar with happiness. It doesn’t happen often enough in literature, in my opinion. Another positive is how non confusing the multiple POVS were. Sometimes, more than two POVs can get a bit chaotic but not with this book. I knew exactly what was going on. I also appreciate how things were explained in this book. Anything that wasn't known to the common people was explained. Brown always spends so much research into all his books. I applaud him for that. But unfortunately, that also can be a bit of a negative. There was a lot of CIA and technical jargon that I didn’t always understand even with the good explanations. It left me a little confused at times, hence the lower rating. Overall, I enjoyed this book. It has me super fascinated with everything CIA. Dan Brown is such a talented writer and I can’t wait to read Deception Point.

يقال انه عند الموت تتضح الاشياء كلها

Despite some of the cliches, It was a thrilling ride especially after the halfway mark. I liked following David’s part of the story, way more than Suzan’s. Overall, a really nice thriller. Without wax,

من سيحرس الحرس

Absolutely one of my favorite books of all time. It's packed with action throughout the whole thing, and I loved the characters!

Make ayou attracted to coding

This book was well written and well put together. It literally kept me on the edge of my seat, couldn't put it down. Finished it in 6 hours. A Must Read!!

Digital Fortress is fast paced, surprisingly full of information and yet never dull... I loved the twists and turns the book took...

the end was really cool but that was the only really special thing about this book.

dan brown is always a good read...

Few unexpected twists. Won't buy the book though.Nice to read, not a nice to have.

After reading the absolute intelligence and plot framed by Dan Brown in this book I'm actually thinking whether the author as in person is A Real Sherlock Holmes living and writing thriller novels for us? It's insane how he keeps the novel fast paced all along and yet delivers every minute details and also doesn't leaves character building. This is my second Dan Brown and I finished this in a day, and still I am wanting for more. The book lost one point cause I personally felt the factual data was crippling the flow off thrill at times but rather too small thing to complain about. But it lacks something my first Dan Brown read - Angels and Demons had : Robert Langdon! xD. I'm coming back to you on my next read of The Da Vinci Code :D