The Roughest Draft
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The Roughest Draft

They were cowriting literary darlings until they hit a plot hole that turned their lives upside down. Three years ago, Katrina Freeling and Nathan Van Huysen were the brightest literary stars on the horizon, their cowritten books topping bestseller lists. But on the heels of their greatest success, they ended their partnership on bad terms, for reasons neither would divulge to the public. They haven't spoken since, and never planned to, except they have one final book due on contract. Facing crossroads in their personal and professional lives, they're forced to reunite. The last thing they ever thought they'd do again is hole up in the tiny Florida town where they wrote their previous book, trying to finish a new manuscript quickly and painlessly. Working through the reasons they've hated each other for the past three years isn't easy, especially not while writing a romantic novel. While passion and prose push them closer together in the Florida heat, Katrina and Nathan will learn that relationships, like writing, sometimes take a few rough drafts before they get it right.
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Photo of Bria
2 stars
May 31, 2024

I didn’t like the main characters together. They don’t know how to communicate and aren’t good together.

Photo of arwen
5 stars
May 5, 2024

nothing more delicious than emotional cheaters

Photo of lexie
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024

“I love even our roughest draft. I love every fraught page we’ve rewritten to get to here. Because in the end, the best part of a love story isn’t having it. It’s getting to keep writing.” okay. and i’m back reading romance novels

Photo of Lauren Grey
Lauren Grey@literarywallflower
1 star
Aug 20, 2023

Sorry not sorry, but this book did not do it for me. It was a frustrating mess from beginning to end. I truly do not understand the positive reviews or why it would ever be recommended to anyone. The whole time I was listening to this book, I kept asking myself “am I actually supposed to like these characters?” “am I actually supposed to root for this love story?” “is this actually supposed to be a likable book?” Because it was not! I felt completely misled by the synopsis, because it leaves out any mention of the characters being unavailable while they are falling in love. I couldn’t root for them and it made me feel disgusting listening to it. The emotional cheating was too much and it lasts for like 75% of the book in both timelines. As much as I love my marriage, I get that it is hard and it doesn’t work out for everyone, but when it’s not working for you OR YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE, then just end it. Same with an engagement. If you got with that person for ridiculously petty reasons, and that person is awful to you, and YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE, then end it! It’s as simple as that. Not to mention that the entire story is one big miscommunication/lack of communication trope. It was nauseating! It was petty. The conflicts were so incredibly dumb. Have I noted that literally every single character that mattered was an asshole? I didn’t care about them, I wasn’t rooting for them, I wasn’t happy for them.

Photo of Alyssa deRaad
Alyssa deRaad@aderaad
3.5 stars
Aug 12, 2023

While a good story and well-written, I find it hard to believe that these two characters would have actually ended up together. This was the main reason I was so involved with the plot - I was looking forward to seeing how the authors would change my mind in that regard. In the end, together did not really manage to do so.

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Photo of Charlsy Sekyere
Charlsy Sekyere@charlsy_s
2 stars
Jun 30, 2023

⭐️2 In essence, this book is a mix of Emily Henry's 'Beach Read' and PWMOV, but less impressive; I didn't even like either of those books, but those two Emily Henry books are way better than this mess. The biggest offence a book can commit is being boring, and that sure is the case with this book. Neither Katrina nor Nathan were interesting, funny, nor charming individually or together as a couple. In light of the shit ton of miscommunication, overreaction, and childishness from both parties, as well as the lack of chemistry, I wasn't rooting for them to be in a relationship. As for the smut, it wasn't necessary, especially with how hardly any chemistry they had between them. I also found the dual timeline pointless, especially the flashbacks in the past timeline to be incredibly tedious. It took almost 70% of the book to actually understand why and how Katrina and Nathan stopped writing together and stopped talking (a reason I didn't think was a big deal). A few of the flashbacks in the past timeline were particularly problematic for me, as I was not keen on the intense emotional cheating throughout the entire book (especially in the flashbacks), since both of the characters (Katrina and Nathan) were in separate relationships throughout the entire book (Nathan with Melissa in the past timeline and Katrina with Chris in the present timeline) yet there was still something going on between both of them. It just didn’t sit right with me. To sum it up, I find the Goodreads rating overly generous, and I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.

Photo of g.
1 star
Jun 27, 2023

[gestures vaguely] why

Photo of Priscilla Stanfield
Priscilla Stanfield@priscillas01
2.5 stars
Jun 17, 2023

So letting this sit and fester before doing the review has only hurt it more. This should be said from the jump this is a glorified book of emotional cheating. I kept reading it and I was upset then afterwards thinking about it that just upset me more. I think it was the circumstances that just frustrated me the most. If some factors wouldn’t have been included for example in the present chapters I wouldn’t have been as upset. Don’t get me wrong what they did in the past is not right. This book had me in a way that I needed to know what happened but it just doesn’t sit well with me. Just my personal opinion.

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Photo of Joana da Silva
Joana da Silva@julesdsilva
2 stars
Mar 5, 2023

I should've read Hannah B.'s review before picking it up. This book promised everything and delivered nothing. If you're expecting a cute rom-com or just a cute escapist romance, keep looking, this is not it. I enjoyed some aspects of the book but the dreadful parts were so bad that it made it almost impossible to enjoy reading. Don't get fooled by the cute cover. It's a very beautiful cover but that's about it.

Photo of Erin Campbell
Erin Campbell@erincampbell
5 stars
Feb 24, 2023

this book was so good idc what anyone says

Photo of Lane Hokanson
Lane Hokanson@lanehoke
4 stars
Feb 20, 2023

If you liked Emily Henry’s Book Lovers, you’re going to like this one too. Lovely little romance with dual perspective, written by coauthors and partners. I whipped right through it and enjoyed every minute.

Photo of Lenah Penafeather
Lenah Penafeather @lenahpenafeather
4.5 stars
Feb 10, 2023

AMAZING! Slow yet perfectly paced! It’s an amazing read

Photo of Sarah Pino
Sarah Pino@hoysarah
2 stars
Feb 10, 2023

i feel like i read a completely different book from everyone. i didnt like this book at all. never felt butterflies, i kept waiting for it to get better.

Photo of Alexa M
Alexa M@alexasversion
2 stars
Feb 6, 2023

yawn. snooze. booooooring nooffense. this is like some Emily Henry fanfiction and i was boreeddd the whole time. by the end i was cringing way too hard and almost DNF'd. all of the writing metaphors used to describe the romance were just so cringey!! sorry - not for me.

Photo of bella <3
bella <3@isabellaisabella
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023

i love angst ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Photo of Eslie
3.5 stars
Dec 5, 2022

The writing of the entire book was amazing. I loved how it kept me guessing. I loved Nathan and Katrina. Harriet is the best, omw she is funny and direct. I just don't like the cheating idea, yes they didn't physically cheat but they emotionally practically did. I loved most of the storyline. And Chris is such an ass.

Photo of Connor
Connor @cgbart
4 stars
Oct 5, 2022

WHEW, this is a messier romance than I usually read--it's not... there's not cheating, per se, it's just... messy. I wasn't sure it'd work for me, or if the emotional climax of the fallout would live up to the build up through the book, but it did--enjoyed this, over all, and will probably read more of these authors' other things.

Photo of tish
5 stars
Sep 15, 2022

eu quero o pedido de casamento pra ontem !!!

Photo of Ananya
4 stars
Aug 27, 2022

the first romance I've read in months that i didn't want to dnf. this was very enjoyable.

Photo of Alyssa Huffman
Alyssa Huffman@alyhuffman27
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

literally PLOWED through this book. wow. the tension between nathan and katrina was so incredibly....i don't even know how to describe it. i was literally buzzing and they had barely even looked at each other. this was so beautifully written and just...i barely have any coherent thoughts. i loved this so much

Photo of Lindsey Davis Blanchard
Lindsey Davis Blanchard @lindseyrose
4 stars
Aug 23, 2022

this was super cute!! gave me lots of beach read/people we meet on vacation vibes. the only thing that could’ve made it better for me is if we got to see more of katrina and nathan together!

Photo of Raigan Correll
Raigan Correll@raigancorrell
5 stars
Aug 17, 2022

holy shit. immediately one of my favorite books ever. I can’t believe i waited so long to read it. giving very much Emily Henry in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE! The authors were able to write the characters so well and with such good chemistry you could just tell they were meant for each other. Also the tension in this book with very minimal and less descriptive smut was just what i needed right now. although some parts which i will not go into were a bit frustrating to get through, like there are in all good books, they still felt very necessary to the plot and helped us understand more of each characters actions overall. though i will say i think these are some of the most stubborn characters i’ve read about in a while, but i still love them! when we finally got the the part where the title was said in the book it was everything wrapped up the whole story perfectly. Props to the authors i cannot wait to read what they come out with next!

Photo of karmin
4 stars
Aug 17, 2022

3.75 stars a solid book for our first book club book. i enjoyed it but it started getting really repetitive towards the end and i got annoyed, but i enjoyed the writing and the plot.

Photo of lana ✨
lana ✨@lanareads
5 stars
Aug 17, 2022

BOOK CLUB! this book is amazing idk why i was being so critical


Photo of Lindsey Barnett
Lindsey Barnett@lindseybarnett

What we have is a fairy tale. It is a dream come true. And it's imperfect. I wish you could understand it can be both. Fiction is fiction and it's real.

Page 281
Photo of Lindsey Barnett
Lindsey Barnett@lindseybarnett

Sometimes life is stranger than fiction, but sometimes it's incomparable in other ways. Sometimes it's a heaven that the false fire of imagination could never capture.

Page 261
Photo of Eslie

" “Good.” Her voice wavers like her heart is full. “Because I’m not done writing our love story yet.” " ~Katrina

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Photo of Eslie

" I’ll read my writing for the whole room, because she’s in it. Because really, I’m only reading for one person. Katrina Freeling." ~Nathan

Photo of Eslie

"She smiles, and my heart ignites." ~ Nathan

Photo of Eslie

"I want to write our lives together, K. To make each of my days a page written in your hand. To craft the chapters of my future with you in every word. Because I’ve realized a life lived with you is the best story I could ever tell." ~Nathan

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Photo of Eslie

"Success is a wonderful feeling. Sharing that success with your closest friend? There’s nothing like it." ~Katrina

Photo of Eslie

"I’ve worked my entire adult life to marshal the English language into whatever I wanted. But were I to try to capture Katrina with it, it would best even me." ~Nathan

Photo of giulia
giulia @wolfstar

"forever is about reaching into the future, into years far away and unknowable. 'always' is about every second of every day. it's as far-reaching as 'forever', it just starts sooner."

Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

We reach the bookstore. Nathan walks up beside me, where he's been so often before. Before we ever kissed, before we traded pages, before the new book. Before fire, thunderstorms, calmer waters. I love even our roughest draft. I love every fraught page we've rewritten to get to here. Because in the end, the best part of a love story isn't having it. It's getting to keep writing.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

So far. It's my silent, unconscious promise to myself.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

I feel like my very soul is on fire.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

Because the true, true horror, the one seemingly no one realizes but me, is that once you have your dreams, all you have left is the chance to lose them.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

Before you, I was whole. I was one being, one heart. Now, I’m half of everything and greater for it.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

I feel my smile spread as I climb the steps. His words promise a world of possibilities. I let myself imagine each one, sketching out our future like a plot without an ending.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

I don't have to. I feel his resolve snap. His hands cupping my face, he crushes his lips to mine, every single word we ve ever written prologue to this touch.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

"It's just easy to say things you don't mean, and it's impossible to write anything but the truth."

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

I hold Nathan's gaze in the space separating us. Watching his eyes light up, I see the moment it happens. The fantasy in my head merges with the one forming in his. Suddenly we're filling in each other's hopes, detailing each other's dreams with devotion like I never would have thought myself capable of feeling, It's impossible for me to read his mind, to know his heart. But I do. Because we've had years of practice. Imagining together is what Nathan and I do.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

"I’d like that," Nathan replies. "What do you want us to write next?" I hear the question within the question. Not which of our half-finished outlines I've chosen, which jotted-down plot Im sparking to. What he wants to know has nothing to do with books. Neither does what I say in response. It comes out breathless. "Anything. Everything."

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

I want to say she's gorgeous. Heart-stopping. If I started, I don't know how I would stop. I've worked my entire adult life to marshal the English language into whatever I wanted. But were I to try to capture Katrina with it, it would best even me.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

It's innocuous, and it's everything. What's happening here, in red ink on fresh pages and tossed-off kindnesses, is irreversible, It's the beginning of our lives fitting back together, finding the impressions left when we pulled them apart.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

"But everything else, yeah. It's why I pursued you so tirelessly." I don't hide from the gravity of what I'm saying. Our relationship is strong enough for honesty. "I could see everything we’d have together. Everything we don't have yet, too. We will."

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

His eyes sparkle, not the sparkle of sunlight over water or stars scattering the sky. There is nothing gentle or inviting in the look he gives me. It's closer to flint sparking steel in the seconds before flame.

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Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

It's like some sort of destructive sun, millions of miles from us and still hot enough to scorch.

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