Fool Me Twice at Christmas A Fake Relationship, Small Town, Holiday Romantic Comedy
There are two types of relationships: fake and real. Chuck and Kate's used to be real, oh-so-real. But after she broke his heart four months ago, leaving him, it became all just pretense for the sake of their entwined families. With parents who are best friends and business partners, it's not easy for Chuck and Kate to announce they've split up. But with the holidays looming over them, they can no longer keep pretending. Chuck and Kate head home for Christmas, determined to tell the truth-and end up accidentally engaged instead. The more they try to pull apart, the more the Universe seems to push them back together, shortening the road to the altar. And when just-for-show kisses stir up forgotten feelings, things get even more complicated. Now, with the midnight hour approaching, will Chuck and Kate's relationship turn out to be real or fake?

Issabelle :)@issabelle13
Took me a while to get into it but I really like the dual pov of the 2 characters! I think the story was nice , overall a quick easy read!

Someone please explain to me how these are supposed to be grown people? Grow up. How in the world does anything in this entire books make sense?! No one behaves rationally! How is so much progress made in a matter of days? What kind of story was this?

this book made me crack up pls considering i had a rough couple of days,,, means a lot 🥲 kinda needed this best friends to lovers to exes to fake daters to lovers and only one bed trope book pls

this was fucking adorable.

Jasmine Tania@jsmntania


Viktoria A@viktoriaslibrary

Louise Hunt@louisejhunt


Alison Fincher@alfincher

Chase obrochta@cobrochta


Hannah E@hannaahbananaa