Imagine Me

ONGGGGGGGGGGGG Okay but that ending??? I’m seriously not okay, send help. My feelings for Warner are SO complicated, I swear I need therapy. Can someone hold me? 🤸🏻♀️😭 And Juliette? She really said « main character energy » and owned every second of it. Her evolution is EVERYTHING LOVE U GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

sosososo good but like why did emmaline do that in the beginning like damn girl leave them aloneee like there hasssss to be a better way to go abt finding her and also i get the impression im supposed to like Adam after this but his actions in unravel me & early ignite me when he sees juliette again/ defy me& this book like i hated it. like no reason to put james through that. like booo get him off the page nowwww. very cute ending though.

I cried

i feel like the ending could have been done so differently and it felt a little bit rushed because it didn’t even feel like i was reading the last book of this series, something was just missing but i was still invested in the story and the plots but still not full 5 stars for me !

ts was so unnecessary cuz who asked for it

ending seemed rushed

it was so emotional. i cried for like 5 minutes straight.


Yessss the ending that they deserve!!

“You know my name,” he says softly. “You’ve always known me, love. I’ve always known you. And I’m so—I’m so desperately in love with you—” 2.5 ⭐️ I honestly don’t know where this book was headed to. The plot went crazy and it just felt poorly-written and I definitely consider it my least favorite out of the series. It felt anti-climactic and open-ended. My heart hurt for warnette and I legit thought they wouldn’t end up together because of the stress. There’s so many unanswered questions about The Reestablishment that I hope will get answered in the novella, but I wish this was resolved in a much better way. Nevertheless, I love these characters as much as I broke for them despite the frustrating turn the events went I almost burst a blood vessel.

did i finish this series or did it finish me p.s prayers for this to get adapted into a show with 6 seasons with perfect casting and sets AMEN

⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/5 the ending was just so rushed and the epilogue was the worst thing of this series only after the fact that Juliette was attracted to anderson. ew. warnette tho 💛

oh my god. oh. my. god. OH MY GOD? i finally finished the shatter me series and im so full of feels. despite my complaints w this book and the former books and the plot as a whole DESPITE THEM ALL.. this series is gna be one of those things ill look back at in one two three years with pure fondness for sure ㅜㅜ it has made me feel such joy and passion and strong feelings and while its not perfect nor it ever claimed to be, its just. that. perfect to me 💞💓💘💗💞💗😖💗💞💕💞💓 ohmygod how am i gna live life from here on without aaron sniping at kenji for simply breathing how am i gna make do without their banter and forced begrudging friendship that was the most wholesome of all to me 💔💔💔💔💔💔 im 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 how do i leave them 💔

I don’t like the end the last few books were so good and this end just does not do it justice

I’m honestly wildly sad that this is over. This series was amazing.

Absolutely amazing ending to the series. I wish she wouldn't have rushed the ending so much, I felt like there was a lot left unanswered. I wish we had gotten more from "Ella" at the end and seen what happened with Kenji and Nazeera. But overall, I think this became one of my favorite book series. Great read, so quick and easy to get immersed in. Love it! And Warner<3

oh my god

** spoiler alert ** i’d say maybe 3.5 stars but that’s mostly because i was confused, i probably should’ve read all the novellas ..anyways juliette being attracted to warners dad was weird but their reunion was great so idk how i feel about this book honestly had a lot of mixed feelings

kinda boring at the beginning

i’m crying

maybe more things would have registered in my head if I wasn't skimming through the chapters at 3 am

3.5, idk I just didn’t enjoy this book like the others. I missed Warners POV /:

To the world, she is formidable. To me, she is the world.

This. My bones against his bones. This is my home.

God, I fucking love her.
Kenji is so cute

When I hear her laugh, I am happy.
aaron the man you are


"This better be good, Kenji, or Warner is going to kill you, and I'm going to help him do it."
And then, just like that-
I'm smiling again

"Aaron," I gasp.
He drops to his knees.

"You know my name," he says softly. You've always known me, love. I've always known you. And I'm so-I'm so desperately in love with you"

"Come back to me, love. Come back."
“Here," he whispers, pressing my hands to his heart. "Home.”
oh my god

Imagine me
master of my own universe
I am everything I ever dreamed of

the girl who shocked herself by surviving, the girl who loved herself through learning, the girl who respected her skin, understood her worth, found her strength

I imagine love, I imagine wind, I imagine gold hair and green eyes and whispers, laughter

But I know Warner wasn't trying to do anyone around here a favor. He doesn't give a shit about being a hero. He was only trying to save J's life.

That's all I ever was, I realize. A spare part kept in captivity. A backup weapon in the case that all else failed.
Shatter me.
Break glass in case of emergency.

"I will stop fighting you," Warner says. "I will do exactly as you ask. Whatever you want. Just let her live."
it’s giving rapunzel but god bless this man

Come back to life, love
I'll be here when you wake up

Scars all over his back, blood smeared across his front. He looks insane. But he's still moving, his eyes hot with rage and something else- Something that scares the shit out of me.

“to the world, she is formidable. to me? she is the world” - aaron warner

And then she turns to look at me, the animal still yipping in her ear, and I realize there are tears in her eyes. She is crying over a dog.
Juliette Ferrars, one of the most feared, most lauded heroes of our known world, is crying over a dog. Perhaps no one else would understand, but I know that this is the first time she’s ever held one.

“Where did they make you?”
He startles. I didn’t think he would startle. But when he turns to look at me, he seems confused.
I explain: “You are unusually beautiful.”
His eyes widen.
His lips part, press together, tremble into a curve that surprises me. Surprises him.
He smiles.

I stand stock-still for a moment, letting the shock of everything settle around me, and when it finally hits me that Nazeera is really here, really awake, really okay, I pull her into my arms. Her defensive posture melts away, and suddenly she’s just a girl—my girl—and happiness rockets through me. She’s not even close to being short, but in my arms, she feels small. Pocket-sized. Like she was always meant to fit here, against my chest.
It’s like heaven.

Warner is an immovable object.
“Fine,” Anderson says angrily. “Seize him.”
Six supreme guards begin advancing on Warner, and he doesn’t so much as flinch. I exchange glances with Winston and it’s enough; I throw my invisibility over Winston just as he throws his arms out, his ability to stretch his limbs knocking three of them to the ground. In the same moment, Haider pulls a machete from somewhere inside the bloodied chain mail he’s wearing under his coat, and tosses it to Warner, who drops the machine gun and catches the blade by the hilt without even looking.
A fucking machete.